Historical Dictionary of United States Intelligence

(Martin Jones) #1

  1. Nicaragua and Contras 282

  2. The October Surprise 282

  3. The Shootdown of KAL007 283
    M. The Post–Cold War Era and the Rise of New Threats: The 1990s 2 83
    N. Terrorism and Intelligence Failures: The 2000s 287

  4. General 287

  5. The Iraq War 289

  6. The Terrorist Attacks of 11 September 2001 289


  1. Bibliographies
    Bennett, James R. “The Agencies of Secrecy: ABibliographic Guide to the U.S.
    Intelligence Apparatus.” National Reporter9, nos. 3–4 (1986): 41–47.
    Blackstock, Paul W., and Frank L. Schaf Jr., eds. Intelligence, Espionage,
    Counterespionage, and Covert Operations: A Guide to Information Sources.
    Detroit, Mich.: Gale Research Company, 1978.
    Calder, James D., comp. Intelligence, Espionage, and Related Topics: An An-
    notated Bibliography of Serial Journal and Magazine Scholarship,
    1844–1998. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1999.
    Cline, Marjorie W., Carla E. Christianson, and Judith M. Fontaine, eds.
    Scholar’s Guide to Intelligence Literature: Bibliography of the Russell J.
    Bowen Collection in the Joseph Mark Lauinger Memorial Library, George-
    town University. Frederick, Md.: University Publications of America, 1983.
    Constantinides, George C. Intelligence and Espionage: An Analytical Bibliog-
    raphy. Boulder, Colo.: Westview, 1983.
    Dearth, Douglas H. Strategic Intelligence and National Security: A Selected
    Bibliography. Carlisle Barracks, Pa.: Army War College, 1992.
    Department of State. Office of the Historian. Foreign Relations, 1945–1950:
    Emergence of the Intelligence Establishment—List of Documents. Washing-
    ton, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1997.
    Devore, Ronald M. Spies and All That: Intelligence Agencies and Operations;
    A Bibliography. Los Angeles: California State University, Center for the
    Study of Armament and Disarmament, 1977.
    Farson, Stuart, and Catherine J. Matthews. Criminal Intelligence and Security
    Intelligence: A Selected Bibliography.Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Center of
    Criminology, University of Toronto, 1990.
    Goehlert, Robert, and Elizabeth R. Hoffmeister, eds. The CIA: A Bibliography.
    Monticello, Ill.: Vance Bibliographies, 1980.


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