Historical Dictionary of United States Intelligence

(Martin Jones) #1

  1. The Pueblo Incident
    Armbrister, Trevor. A Matter of Accountability: The True Story of the Pueblo
    Affair. New York: Coward-McCann, 1970.
    ———. “The Pueblo Crisis and Public Opinion.” Naval War College Review 24
    (March 1971): 84–110.
    Brandt, Edward. The Last Voyage of the USS Pueblo. New York: Norton, 1969.
    Bucher, Lloyd M. Bucher: My Story. With Mark Rascovich. Garden City, N.Y.:
    Doubleday, 1970.
    ———. “The Pueblo Incident: Commander Bucher Replies.” Naval History3,
    no. 1 (Winter 1989): 44–50.
    Buhite, Russell D. Lives at Risk: Hostages and Victims in American Foreign
    Policy. Wilmington, Del.: Scholarly Resources, 1995.
    Department of State. Office of the Historian. Foreign Relations of the United
    States, 1964–1968. Vol. 29, Korea. Edited by Karen L. Gatz. Washington,
    D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1999.
    Gallery, Daniel V. The Pueblo Incident. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1970.
    Lentner, Howard H. “The Pueblo Affair: Anatomy of a Crisis.” Military Review
    49 (July 1969): 55–66.
    Lerner, Mitchell B. The Pueblo Incident: A Spy Ship and the Failure of Ameri-
    can Foreign Policy. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2002.
    Liston, Robert A. The Pueblo Surrender: A Covert Action by the National Se-
    curity Agency. New York: M. Evans, 1988.
    Murphy, Edward R., Jr., with Curt Gentry. Second in Command: The Uncen-
    sored Account of the Capture of the Spy Ship Pueblo. New York: Holt, Rine-
    hart & Winston, 1971.
    U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Armed Services. Special Subcommittee
    on the USS Pueblo. Inquiry into the USS Pueblo and EC-121 Plane Inci-
    dents. 91st Cong., 1st sess., March–April 1969. Washington, D.C.: Govern-
    ment Printing Office, 1969.

  2. The Vietnam War
    Baker, Bob. “The Easter Offensive of 1972: AFailure to Use Intelligence.” Mil-
    itary Intelligence24, no. 1 (January–March 1998): 40–42, 60.
    ———. “Warning Intelligence: The Battle of the Bulge and the NVN Easter Of-
    fensive.” American Intelligence Journal17, nos. 3–4 (1997): 71–79.
    Bennett, Donald G. “Spot Report: Intelligence, Vietnam.” Military Review 46,
    no. 8 (1966): 72–77.
    Bjelajac, Stavko N. “ADesign for Psychological Operations in Vietnam.”
    Orbis10 (Spring 1966): 126–37.


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