Historical Dictionary of United States Intelligence

(Martin Jones) #1
INR participates in the drafting and production of national intelli-
gence estimates (NIEs). It also serves as the focal point within the
Department of State for all policy issues and activities involving the
intelligence community. The INR uses the “Morning Summary” as
the medium for keeping the secretary of state abreast of current de-
velopments around the globe.




BUSH, GEORGE HERBERT W. (1924– ).The 41st president of the
United States between 20 January 1989 and 20 January 1993, and the
eleventh director of central intelligence (DCI)between 30 January
1976 and 20 January 1977. George H. W. Bush became interested in
politics in the early 1950s, first serving two terms as congressman
from Texas and then running unsuccessfully for the U.S.Senate. He
also served in various high-level appointive positions that thrust him
into the national political limelight: U.S. ambassador to the United
Nations (UN), chairman of the Republican National Committee, di-
rector of central intelligence for 12 months between 1976 and 1977,
and chief of the U.S. Liaison Office in the People’s Republic of
China(PRC). In 1980, George H. W. Bush campaigned for the Re-
publican nomination for president, and when he lost, President
Ronald Reaganchose Bush as his vice president. In 1988, candidate
Bush won the Republican nomination and the general election and
served one term in the White House, between 1989 and 1993. George
H. W. Bush’s presidency saw the end of the Cold War, the dissolu-
tion of the Soviet Union, and the successful conduct of the 1991 Per-
sian Gulf War, which ousted Saddam Hussein’s Iraqi forces from
Kuwait. In the 1992 general election, President Bush lost to Demo-
cratic candidate William J. Clintonbecause of a faltering economy
and general discontent at home. He is the father of George W. Bush.

BUSH, GEORGE W. (1946– ).Forty-third president of the United
States between January 2001 and January 2009. Aformer governor


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