501 Critical Reading Questions

(Sean Pound) #1

Why Should I Use this Book?

Schools and employers know that students and workers who reason criti-
cally about what they read are better students and more valuable employ-
ees. That is why standardized tests almost invariably include a reading
comprehension section.
This book is designed to help you be a more successful critical reader.
You are probably most interested in performing well on a standardized test
such as the SAT, ACT, or a vocational or professional exam. By reading and
working through 501 Critical Reading Questionsyou will become much more
proficient at answering the multiple-choice questions found on those tests.
The benefits you gain from this practice and from your conscious attention
to critical reasoning skills will extend far beyond any exam and into all
aspects of your life. Reading will become a much more rewarding and
enjoyable experience, and your life will be richer for it.

What Is in this Book?

Each of the chapters in this book focuses on a different subject matter, so
regardless of the exact exam you need to prepare for, there will be content
similar to material you will face on your exam. However, it’s important that


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