Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

For discussion of T'aejong's adoption of paper money in 1402 and 14IO, see Ch'oe
Hojin, Hall '[?lIk hwap 'YC sosa, pp, 55-58; Miyahara Taichi, "Chosen shoki no choka
ni tsuite," pp, 369-82; Yi Chongyong, "Chosonch'o hwap'yeje lii pyonch'on," pp, 295-
308 ,

  1. Yu Sungju, '"Kwang'6p," Han'guksa 10:350-55.

  2. Ch'oe Hojin, Hml'[?uk hwap'yesa, pp. 61-76; Miyahara. "Dosen ni tsuite," pp.
    75- 88.

  3. See n. 79.

  4. Yi Chongyong, "Hwap'yeje," pp. 316-24; Miyahara, "Dasen," pp. 90-98. Ch'oe
    Hojin says that some nickel alloy cash was minted, Han 'guk hwap'ye sosa; pp. 66-67,
    see also pp. 71-76.
    83· Miyahara, "Dasen," p. 97: pp. 90-98 for previous material.

  5. Yi Chongyong, "Hwap'yejc," pp. 324-29.

  6. Ihid.

  7. Mun Ikchom was reputcd to have been the first to bring back cotton seeds from
    China in 1363, and hc was recommended for a national commendation by King T'aejo
    ofChoson in I401 for having introduced the material that supposedly was providing cot-
    ton cloth for everyone's clothing at the time. Although Suda Yoshiyuki disputed the
    accepted story about Mun lkch6m's personal introduction of the cotton plant to Korea
    and suggested that cotton may have been brought to Korea by sea from the Chiang-nan
    region of China a decade or two earlier than that, Suda did discover that the late Kory6
    scholar Yi Saek had mentioned receiving a gift of cotton seed from a relative in 1375.
    Nonetheless, cotton and cotton cloth did not become widespread until 1430. Ch'oe Hojin,
    Han' guk hwap 'yesa sosa, pp. 43-47: Sudo Yoshiyuki, "Karai makki yori Chosen shoki
    ni itaru orimonogya no hattatsu" [The development of the textile industry in the late Koryo
    and early Chos6n period), Shakai keizaishigaku 12, no. 2 (February 1942): I-TO; Yi
    Chongyong, "Hwap'yeje," pp. 329-31; Won Yuhan, Chason hll[?i Izwap 'ycsa y/Jn'gu [A
    study of the history of currency in the late Choson periodl (Seoul: Han'guk yon 'guwon,
    1975), pp. 10-12: Miyahara, '"Dasen," pp. 98-99.

  8. Yi Chongyong, "Hwap'yeje," pp. 334-35, and n,28. Contrary to Miyahara Taichi's
    finding that paper money simply decreased in value in a straightforward pattern after
    Sejong reintroduced it in 1445, Yi Chongy5ng discovered that Songjong's policy had
    worked by bidding up the value of paper bills.

  9. Ibid., pp. 335-38.

  10. Won Yuhan, Chason hugi hwap 'ycsa yon 'gu, pp. TO-12; Miyahara, "Dasen," pp.
    98-99; Yi Chongyong, "Hwap'yeje," p. 338; Ch'oe Hojin, Han'guk hwap'ye sosa, pp.

CHAPTER 2. The Disintegration of the Early Choson System to 1592

I. See the hiographies ofYun Wollo, Yun Wonhyong, andYun 1m. in KSDSJ 2:1068-71.

  1. See Ou-yang Hsiu's memorial of 1045 "On Parties," in Wm. Theodore de Bary,
    Wing-tsit Chan, and Burton Watson, comps., Sources of Chinese Tradition I (New York:
    Columhia University Press. 1964 ed.):391-92.

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