Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

  1. Ibid. TO: Toa.

  2. Ihid. 1O:27h-28a.

  3. Ibid. [0: 18b-[9a. Sec similar remarks by Yulgok l Yi I] in ibid. 1O:32b.

  4. This lest was similar to the hsiao-lien-k'ua of the T'ang. Edward Willett Wagner,
    The Literati Purws: Political Conflict in Early Yi Korea (Camhridge: East Asian Research
    Center and Havard University Press. 1974), pp. 92-103.

  5. PGSR 1O:27a.

  6. Wagner, Literati Purges, p. 98.

  7. PGSR 1O:32b-33b.

  8. Ibid. 1O:28a-b.

  9. Ibid. 1O:26a.
    137· Ibid. 1O:30b.

  10. Ibid. 1O:2b, see also 1O:3Ia-32a.

  11. For the views ofYli Chi, see ibid. 10:2b-3a; for those ofCh'iu Chlin, see 10:3a-4a;
    for Ma Tuan-lin's (Wen-hsiell t 'ung-k'ao) praise of the careful selection of education offi-
    cials during the Ylian-feng era of the Sung (1078-86), sec ibid. 1O:2b.

  12. Ibid. ) 0:) a. Yu noted that the idea of separate quarters was copied from Ch'eng-
    tzu's [Ch'eng Hao's] proposal for a Yen-ying-ytian.
    14I. Ihid. TO: [h. For a previous, similar proposal by Yulgok, see ibid. w:33a.

  13. Ibid. 1O:lb-2a. After review hy the Ministry of Personnel in the capital, the can-
    didate would be appointed to the post. If there were a major discrepancy between the
    man's current rank and that of the kyogwan, he would be given a brevet appointment.
    )43. Ibid. 1O:9a, I2b, 15b.
    [44. Ibid. 9:37a-b.

  14. Ibid. 9:38a.

  15. Ihid. 1(>:27b.

  16. Ihid. 10: 16h-qa.

  17. Ibid. 9:3)a-h.

  18. An exception to this scheme would be Kyonggi Province where the capital was
    located. Here the Middle School would take the place of the Governor's School.

  19. Ibid. 9:32a-b.
    1ST. Ibid. 1O:35a-b.

  20. Ibid. 9:32b-33a. For specific ranks for these officials, see ibid. 9:32b. See also
    the note where Yu says that the new posts of Kyodo (Teacher) and Kyosu (Instructor) of
    ranks 4B and 6, respectively, would be created to function exclusively as teachers, as
    opposed to the current situation where teachers of the Four Schools were concurrent posts
    held hy incumbent officials.
    ) 53· Ibid. 9:33a.

  21. Ihid. 9:35a-36a.

  22. Ihid. 9:39a.

  23. Ibid. 9:40h.

  24. Watanabe Manabu. Kinsei Chosen kyoikushi ken"'Y1l [A study of the history of
    education in the recent Chos(m period] (Tokyo: Yusankaku, 1969), p. 406.

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