Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

"Land Tenure in Korea: Tenth to Twelfth Centuries," Journal of Korean Studies 4
(19 82 - 8 3):73-206.

  1. PGSR 6:2b.

  2. Ibid. 6: I h.

  3. Ihid. 6:5h.

  4. Ihid. 6:3h.

  5. Ihid. 6:4a-h.

  6. Ibid. 6:5b.

  7. Ibid.

  8. Ibid. 6:lb.

  9. Ibid.; this refers to the Northern Wei.
    44· Ibid. 6:2b, 3a.

  10. Ibid. 6:3b-4a.

  11. For the Sui dynasty, see ibid. 6:4b; for the Tang see ihid. 6:5a,6b.

  12. Ibid. 6:7a.

  13. Ihid. In a footnote. Yu corrected Ma Tuan-lin by stating that it was not until the
    reign of Emperor Wu of the Chin dynasty, 265-290, that the household tax ([.Ill) was
    begun, not in the Han dynasty.

  14. Ihid. 6:8h.

  15. Ibid.
    5 I. Ibid. 6:8b-9b.

  16. Ibid. 6:8b.
    53· Ibid. 6:9b.

  17. Ibid. 6:9a, Yu's commentary in smaller type.

  18. See Palais, "Land Tenure in Korea."

  19. Ihid.

  20. PGSR 6:12a.

  21. Ibid. 6: r 3a-b.

  22. Ihid. 6:9a-IOa.

  23. Ihid. 6: lOa.

  24. See ibid. 6: roa-b. for a brief account of some of these changes.

  25. There are two possible meanings for saji'fn: either privately owned land or a preben-
    dal grant from the king that included exemption from taxes as a benefit. The literature
    on this is too extensive to cite here: for summaries see Palais, "Land Tenure in Korea,"
    and Yi Kyongsik, Chason chOn 'gi t 'oji chedo yi'5n 'gu: t'oji pungupche wa nangmin chibae
    [A study of the land system in the early Chason dynasty: Land distribution and the con-
    trol of the peasantry 1 (Seoul: Ilchogak, 1986).

  26. PGSR 6: 12a-b.

  27. Yi here may have understood the early kubun grant as equivalent to the hasic k'ou-
    fen-t'iell allotment of the Tang, or he he may have used the term kublill as a synonym
    for Taejo's yrikplInji!ll.

  28. PGSR 6: 13a.

  29. Ihid.

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