Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

  1. SJW 11:41 1-2 [, Kanghui 8 (Hyonjong IO), 1.23 chongsa, For a briefer summary,
    see Hyonjong sillok, I6:IOa, same date. According to the Man'gi yoram (MGYR),
    Kunjongp'yon (volume on military administration) (Keijo: Chosen sotokufu chusuin, 1938),
    p. 2 I 8, Yi Wan, who was commander of the agency, was appointed minister of war con-
    currently in pyon 'go year or 1666, but he balked at assuming the burden of two posts.

  2. Scc n. I 4. below, for the material above and following.

  3. SJW I I:4II-13. Ch'a Munsop, "Kumwiyong yon'gu," p. 346, relies primarily on
    the Hyonjong kaesu sillok, 20:25a-b, Hyonjong 10. I .chOngsa (23rd day) for the account
    of this day's discussion. This source is much more abbreviated and less illuminating than
    the SJW, which takes up eight full folio pages as opposed to a few lines in the Si/lok. For
    a brief summary, see also Hyonjong sillok, 16: IOa same date, and Chosenshi, series 5,
    4 (Keijo: Chosen insatsu KK, 1934):378.
    IS. This would account for 6,656 men, leaving 9 extras.

  4. This would yield a total of 508 men overall, 4 less than the 512 called for.

  5. Ch'a Munsop attributed this idea to Song Siyol's recommendation that the Mili-
    tary Training Agency be reduced by attrition, but since Hyonjong was preserving the
    agency and recruiting new soldiers prior to considering letting old ones go, the scheme
    seems closer to Ho Chok's suggestion.

  6. PibY(lnsa tlingnok [Record of the Border Defense Command] 3 (Seoul: Kuksa
    p'yonch'an wiwonhoe, 1949): 14, Hyonjong 10.2.20 (1669); Hyonjong sillok 16:14b-15a.

  7. Hyonjong sillok, 21:29b-30a; Ch'a Munsop, "Kumwiyong ui yon'gu," p. 346.

  8. Hy6njong sillok, 17:48b-49a (1669), cited in Yi T'aejin, ChoseJn hugi, p. 183 n.2I.
    2 I. The phrase was literally, "In general, [it was because] the king kept military affairs
    in his mind." HWlnjong sillok 16:15a.

  9. Yi T'aejin discovered this historical account by the historian of the Veritable Record
    after a notice in 1663. six years prior to the creation of the special unit. The account con-
    tains onc slight error: the historian notes that Yu Hyogyon was appointed commander of
    the Military Training Agency in sinhaek year (I 67 I), when it was actually 1669. This
    slip probably does not mean that the figures of soldiers and support taxpayers are erro-
    neous. HYeJnjong kaesu sillok IO:9a (1663), cited in Yi T'aejin, Choson hugi, p. 183 n.22.

  10. Songja taej/jn 13:30a-b.

  11. It may be that Song's account is garbled. He gave the date, cMngmyo.4.12 (1627),
    but I cannot find a record of the incident he describes. Kim Yejong was in fact a muske-
    teer of the Military Training Agency who in 1629 reported a conspiracy led by the for-
    mer Hundo (interpreter'?), 1m Kyongsa, in league with five company commanders of the
    agency. 1m planned to put out the word that the spiritual forces of the capital at Hansong
    were on the wane, call for the establishment of a new capital at Yonsan, proceed to Naep'o
    on the coast and seize a few districts nearby to interdict sea traffic. and then call on their
    coconspirators in the agency in the capital to kill the agency commander, set fire to the
    royal ancestral temple and capital gates and call for the restoration of the deposed Kwang-
    haegun. Thanks to Kim's report, 1m was executed and Kim was awarded by being pro-
    moted to tangsang rank (IA to 3A) and granted all the confiscated family property of
    1m Kyongsa.lnjo sillok, 20:25b; Chr)senshi, series 6,2:2 I 9, Hyonjong 7 .i4. 19; Yi Hongjik,

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