Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

hugi, pp. 196-98 n.58. The notes contain references to notices in the Sukchong sillok.
The name of the incident, Swnbok, or "three pok," derived from the three princes' hav-
ing the character pok (happiness) as part of their princely titles. This incident is also cov-
ered in Haboush, "A Heritage of Kings," pp. 62-64, but she claims Yun was executed
for his heterodox, anti-Chu Hsi beliefs. There is no citation of a source for p. 64 n.9I,
however. See also Kang Chujin, fijo tangjaengsa YOll'gli (Seoul: Seoul Taehakkyo
ch'ulp'anbu, 1971), pp. 285-93.

  1. Sukchong sillok I I: rob-I la, Sukchong 7. I.kyong'o, cited in Yi T'aejin, Chosrlll
    hugi, p. 199 n.60; Han'guk kunjesa (1977), pp. 149-50.

  2. The number of special unit soldiers (along with aides or p 'yohagun) was listed in
    the third lunar month of 1682 as 13,949. These 13,949 soldiers are referred to as Yrlngbu
    p 'yoha pyoltaegun, literally "the aides and soldiers of the division-regiments of the spe-
    cial unit of the Military Training Agency." Yongbu or Division-Regiment is not a usual
    appellation for the Military Training Agency, to which the special unit was attached, but
    on the other hand, the agency was part of what became the OgllnyiJllg (Five Military
    Divisions) in r682. See Sukchong sillok 13, sang:I8a-b.
    It was initially proposed that these 13,949 troops be divided into 80 companies (of
    134 men each), or a total of ro,748 soldiers. This reorganization yielded a surplus of
    3,201 soldiers who were to be transferred to support taxpayer status along with their pre-
    vious 3,201 "material support persons" (chaboin), a total of 6,402 who would be reas-
    signed as support taxpayers in addition to what I would estimate as 32,244 (10,748 times
    3 support persons) support taxpayers of the ro,748 soldiers, or a subtotal of 38,646. By
    converting some duty soldiers to support taxpayers, it alleviated the pressure to find new
    support taxpayers for the new unit.
    To this 80 companies of special unit soldiers were added 3,773 Crack Select Soldiers.
    They were supposed to be reorganized into one division 25 companies of 134 mcn each,
    or a total of 3,350 men. The new Forbidden Guards thus consisted of 10.748 men from
    the spccialunit and 3,350 from the Crack Select Soldiers. or a total of 14,098. The reor-
    ganization of the Crack Select Soldiers also involved a shift of 423 duty soldiers
    (3,773-3,350) and their 423 "materiel support persons," or a total of 846 persons, to the
    status of support taxpayer. These were added to the existing r I ,in8 existing Crack Select
    Soldier support taxpayers, increasing the number to 12.474. or this Ilgure, 6,595 were
    made "rice taxpayers" and the remaining 5,879 were shifted to the Ministry of Taxation.
    The reason was not stated, but it may have been to provide funds to the ministry, which
    did pay some salaries and expenses of the Crack Select Soldiers. Thus, if you add these
    6,595 support taxpayers to the 38,646 support taxpayers for the special unit soldiers, you
    get a total of 45,241.
    Yi T'aejin's estimated figure of support taxpayers differs considerably from minco He
    estimates 14.098 regular soldiers of the combined Forbidden Guards, and a total of 78, 195
    support taxpayers consisting of 14,098 materiel support pcrsons (clwho) and 64,097 sup-
    port taxpayers (poin). Of the latter category, he claims 57.502 support taxpayers carried
    over for the special unit soldiers, but this number is not mentioned in the Si//ok text. It
    contains within it an estimate of 41 ,100 original support taxpayers for the special unit

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