Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

a decade's time. Hyojong si/lok II :9a-b, cited and discussed in Ch'a Munsop. "Hyojong
iIi kunbi kwangch'ung," pt. 2, p. 42.

  1. Chong Yonsik, "Yangyok kyunilhwa," pp. 12 1-44.

  2. Ihid., pp. 139. n.74, pp. 183, 129-30; Chong Manjo, "Yangyok pyont'ong non'iIi,"

CHAPTER 13. Military Reorganization, Weapons, and Walls

I. PGSR 21:29a. Sec Ch'aMunsop, "KiImwiyong yon'gu [A study of the Royal Guard
Division]," in idem, Chason sidae kUllje YrJn' gu (Seoul: Tan'guk taehakkyo ch'ulp'anhu,
1973), pp. 342-431. It is difficult to find information on the other two categories. Ch'a
mentioned that the Special Musketeers was one of the minor types of provincial troops
that supplemented the main force of provincial soldiers, the sog'ogun. Ch'a, "Sog'ogun
yon'gu [A study of the sog'o soldiers], in ibid., p. 204.

  1. PGSR 2 I :29a. The units he excluded were the Kapsa, P'aengbae, Taejol, Pajin'gun,
    and Pandang.

  2. Yi T'aejin, ChO.li511 ilugi chiJngch 'i wa kunyongje pyrlllji5n lPolitics and changes in
    the army division system in the late Choson period] (Seoul: Han 'guk yon'guw6n, 1985).
    pp.160- 6 3·

  3. PGSR 2 I: 12a-b.

  4. Ibid. 2I:35a.

  5. In addition to the Military Training Agency ami the Royal Division, two other units
    were, strictly speaking, not capital guards, hut they did have responsibility for defense
    of the capital region. In 1624 the Anti-Manchu Division (Ch'ongyungch'ong) was
    charged with the defense of Kyonggi Province, and in 1626 the Defense Command
    (Suoch'6ng) was estahlished to defend the Namhan mountain fort (Namhan ,ansong).
    KSDSJ t :906.788; KSDSJ 2:1546.

  6. In 1393. King T'aejo established the Righteousness Flourishing Three Armies
    COihiIng samgunbu) in command often guard units of Righteousness Flourishing King's
    Personal Guard (Uihung ch'in ·gunwi). This system was reorganized in 1457 under King
    Sejo into threc armics and Five Guards (Samgun owi). Fromthc heginning orthe dynasty
    in 1392 there was a single command agency, but the title was changed a number of times
    until the adoption of the Five Guards Directorate (Owi toch'ongbu) in 1466. This agency
    was kept separatc from the Ministry of War. but its top two officials were concurrent
    appointments. Its responsibilities were taken over by the Border Defense Command
    (Pibyonsa) after 1545, even though thc agency itsclf was not aholished until the mili-
    tary reforms of 1882. See the articles on the Owi and Owi toch'onghu in KSDSJ 1:952-53.

  7. PGSR 2I:n. see also 2r:ra-2a, 4b.

  8. Ihid. 2 J:2 b.

  9. Ihid. 2I:3b.
    IT. Ihid. 2 I :2h, 13a.

  10. Ihid. 2 I :9a. At the heginning of the dynasty the Forhidden Soldiers (i .c .. Soldiers
    of the Forhidden Quarters) consisted of three units attached to thc Dragon Tiger Regi-
    ment (Yonghoyong): the Naegumwi, Kyomsabok, and Urimwi. According to one

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