Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

pa, or hegemon, was a phenomenon of the Chou period in the eighth century B.c., sev-
eral centuries after the purported discussion between King Wen and his adviser, Tai-
kung. The citation may be accurate, but the text had to be written some time after the
mid-Chou period. It is also his view that sa (shih in Chinese) ought to be translated as
"petty official," an opinion supported by the sa being tfeated as lower in rank than the
taebu (ta~fLi) in the Chou-Ii.

  1. SJW 58:141a-I43a; Yongjo sillok 71 : 24b-- 25 a, same date.

  2. SJW 58:141a-b.

  3. Yongjo sillok 71 :22b-23b.

  4. Ibid. 71 :24a. For Cho Hyonmyong's statement in favor of a cloth tax on land (kyr'5lp ().
    see ibid. 71:18b-19a.

  5. SJW 58:162-66; Haboush, "Heritage of Kings," p. 262.
    3 I. SJW 58: I7 1 :e-d.

  6. Yi5ngjo sillok 71 :29a-30b; SJW 58:169-75.

  7. SJW 58: 164b, 172 a.

  8. Ibid. 58:173:b-I75a.

  9. Ibid. 58: 1 89-93: Y6ngjo sWok 7 I :32b--33a, same date.

  10. Yiingjo sillok 7S:7b-9b; Ch'a Munsop, "Imnan ihu iii yangYllk," pt. 2, pp. 136-37;
    Pak Kwangsong, "Kyunyokpop sihaeng ihu iii yangyog'e taehay()" [Commoner service
    after the adoption of the equal service system], S6nggok nonch'ong 3 (1972):135-36.

  11. Yongjo sillok 72:23b-24a, 27a-b; Pak Kwangsong, "Kyunyokpop sihaeng ihu,"
    PP·13 6 -37.

  12. Y6ngjo sillok 7 I :9b--rob.

  13. Ch'a Munsop estimated this income at 372,045 yang minus 80,416 left in the
    provinces, leaving a balance of 29 I ,629 yang for the central government. "1m nan ihu iii
    yangy6k," pI. 2, p. 140.

  14. Pak, "Kyunyokp()p sihaeng ihu," p. 146.

  15. Ch6ng Yagy6ng, simsrJ [Essays from thc heart on governing the people]
    3: 13a-b. in idem, ClUing Tasall Ch(}nsrJ [The complete works of Chong Tasan I. ha (vol.

  1. (Seoul: Munh6n p'y6nch'an wiwonhoe, 196r), p. 476.

  1. For developments in the military service and tax system after the equal service
    reform of 1750, see Pak Kwangsong, "Kyunyokpop sihaeng ihu," pp. l6l-84: Kim
    Y6ngsop, "Choson hugi kyunyokche ij6ng iii ch'uri wa hop'obop [The reasoning bchind
    reform of the military service system in thc late Choson period and the household cloth
    system] Songgok nonch 'ong 13 (1982):7-46; Kim Yongsop, "Choson hugi kunyokche iii
    tongyo wa kunyokchon" [The shake-up of the equal service system of late Choson and
    military-service land] Tongbanghak chi 32 (September 1982):97-147; James B. Palais,
    Policy and Politics in Traditional Korea (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1975),
    p. 107. This article deals in particular with the questions of quotas, he/wl/g, and col-
    lective payment by villages.

  2. Palais. Polin' ond Politics, p. I07.

  3. Tax-exempt yang ban or the low-level elite comprised 3R percent llfthe households;
    20 percent were slaves, and 17 percent were exempted for special reasons (Buddhist

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