Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

chief clerks (noksa), 35 mal (3 kok, 5 mal) for clerks (sori), 25 mal for runners (chorye)
and official slavcs (s(/no). The boy servants, however, would only receive 15 mal. Ibid.

  1. The chief sourcc for figures of acreage, average holdings, and production are to
    be found in Kim YongsClp, Choson hugi nongopsa yon 'gu [Studies in thc agricultural
    history of the late Choson period] (Seoul: Ilchogak, 1970). For an estimate of the size
    of the land held hy the majority of peasants, I used an eyeball estimate of categories D
    and E in the tables on pp. 240-45, which are almost the same as Kim's remarks on p.

  2. For further discussion, see his Appendix on Ownership and Production.

  3. PGSR 19:30a-b.
    67· Ibid. I9:30b.

  4. Ibid.

  5. James B. Palais, Politics and Policy in Traditional Korea (Cambridge: Harvard
    University Press, 1975), p. tiT.

  6. Han Woo-keun [Han Ugunj, Yijo hugi iii sahoe wa sasang [Society and thought
    in the latc Yi dynasty J (Seoul: Orchi munhwasa, 1961), pp. 33-35. The production fig-
    ure for 1737 was 40-50 srJm or 600-750 mal, but since Han estimated this at 300-375
    mal, he must have regarded the figures in the SUlok as referring to unhusked rice. Pol-
    ished ricc could bc calculated by dividing the figure in half.

  7. Han Woo-keun, Yijo hugi, pp. 36-37.

  8. Ibid., pp. 37-38.

  9. Kim Okkun, Choson hugi kyongjesa yon 'gu [A study of the economic history of
    late Choson] (Seoul: Somundang, 1977), pp. 406-8.
    74· Ibid., pp. 79-^8 0.

  10. Ibid., pp. 410-1 I; Han Woo-keun, Yijo hugi, pp. 40-46.

  11. PGSR 152: 16a-17a; see also ibid. 3:34a-35b.

CHAPTER 23. Copper Cash and the Monetary System

I. Yi T'aejin, "Simnyuk segi ch'onbang (po) kwan'gae ui paltal: Sarim seryok taedu iii
kyongjejok paegyong iltan" [The development of irrigation dikes in the sixteenth cen-
tury: Part of the economic background to the emergence of the power of the Sarim], in
Yi, Han 'guk sahoesa yongu: nongop kisul paltal kwa .I'ahoe pyondong [Studies in the
social history of Korea: The development of agricultural technology and social change 1
(Seoul: Chisik san'opsa, 1986), pp. 274-88; idem, "Sarimp'a UiYuhyangso pongni undong"
in ibid., pp. 125-85, published originally in Han 'guk munhwa 4 (December 1983): 1 -39.

  1. Won Yuhan, "Choson hugi iii kiimsok hwap'ye yut'ong chOngch'aek: Sipch'il segi
    chonban iii tongjon yut'ong sidogiriil chungsim'uro" [Metallic currency policy in late
    Choson: The attempt to circulate copper cash in the first half of the seventeenth century]
    Tongbanghak chi 13 (December 1972): 100.

  2. MHBG 1 59:5a-6a.

  3. Ch'oe Hojin, Hun'guk hwap'ye sO.l'a [Short history of currency in Korea] (Seoul:
    Sonmundang. 1974), pp. 81-83.

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