Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

  1. SJW 35:5I6a-526c, Yungjong 5.11.5 (chongsa) (I727); Y6ngjo sitlok I4:3a-b,
    Yongjo 3. I I.chongsa. Brief summary in Won Yuhan, "Sippal segi," p. 56.

  2. This meant that the price of rice had declined by 33 or 67 percent in the past few
    years, but it must have risen since the early I 670S because Yu Hyongwon had prescribed
    a rice/cash exchange rate of 5 mal/yang (lOO coins) of cash.

  3. See n. 27, above.

  4. SJW 3S:5I6a-526c, Yungjong 5. 11.5 (chOng sa) (I727); Yongjo sillok I4:3a-b,
    Yongjo 3. I I.chongsa. Brief summary in Won Yuhan, "Sippal segi," p. 56.
    3 I. Han Woo-keun, Yijo hugi iii sahoe wa sasang [Society and thought in the late Yi
    dynasty] (Seoul: Urchi munhwasa, 1961), pp. 2 I 8-23, esp. p. 222 forthe quotation. Won
    Yuhan, "Songho Yi Ik pujongjok hwap'yeron" [Yi Ik's negative view of cash], Y()ksa hakpo
    48 (December 1970):53-66.

  5. Won, "Songho Yi Ik," pp. 66-67.

  6. Ibid., pp. 68, 70-72.

  7. Ibid., p. 69. See also Won Yuhan, Choson hugi hwap'yesa y()n'gu, pp. 190-98.

  8. SJW 40:469a-70b, Yunjong 9 (Yongjo 7).9.20 (kyongjin); Yr'ngjo sillok, 30:26b,
    same date; Won Yuhan, "Sippal segi," pp. 57-58; Han'guk unhaeng, Chiingho Han'guk
    hwap'yesa, p. 50.

  9. SJW 45:384c-385c, Ongjong 13 (Yongjo 11).2. lO (urhaek); Yongjo sillok 40:52b,
    same date.

  10. Y6ngjo sillok 41 :8a, Yongjo I 2.2.kyesa; SJW 45:690a-b, Kollyung 1.2.29 (kyesa).
    Another proposal for multiple-denomination cash was rejected again later in I737, Han'guk
    unhaeng, Chiingbo Han' guk hwap 'yesa, p. 5 I.

  11. Palais, Politics and Policy in Traditional Korea, chap. 8, "Monetary Policy."

CHAPTER 26. Cash and Economic Change after 1731

I. Han Yongguk, author ofthe preface to Yu Suwon, Us6 (Seoul: Soul taehakkyo kojon
kanhaengsa, 1971), pp. 1-9; Kang Man'gil, "Choson hugi sang'op ui munjejom: Us6 ui
sang'op chongch'aek punsok" [Problems in commerce in the late Choson period: An analy-
sis of the commercial policies contained in the Us6], Han 'guksa y6n 'gu 6 (September
1971):53 n.1.

  1. Kang Man'gil, "Choson hugi sang'op ui munjejom," pp. 54-61, 65-68.

  2. Ibid., pp. 61- 6 5.
    4· Ibid., pp. 69, 72.

  3. Yu Suwon, Us6, pp. 144-45. I have rearranged the order of the arguments made in
    the original.

  4. Y6ngjo sillok 55:26a, Yongjo I8-4.imja; Han'guk unhaeng [Bank of Korea],
    Chiingbo Han 'guk hwap 'yesa [Revised edition of the history of currency in Korea] (Seoul:
    Han'guk unhaeng, 1969), p. 52.

  5. The Munh6nbigo included a memorial submitted in 1737 by Councilor of the Left
    Song Inmyong that mentioned the noncash buffer zone in the northern two provinces,
    but also reported that the population was ignoring the ban. He opposed punishing all the
    violators right away because the state had the obligation to "instruct" them before met-

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