Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

[The collected works ofPak Chega, with the essay on learning from the north appended]
(Seoul: Kuksa p'yonch'an wiwohoe, 1971), pp. 1-5 at the end of the volume.

  1. Pak Chega, ChiinJ;yujip. p. 408; Kim Yongdok, Cho.\'(ln hugi sasangsa WI/1 'gil [Stud-
    ies in the history of thought in late Choson] (Seoul: Uryu munhwasa, 1977), p. 170.

  2. Ibid., pp. 170-71.

  3. Pak Chega. CI/(JngYlIjip. pp. 408-9; Kim Yongdok. Chos(ln 11llgi sasangsa yon 'gu,


  1. Yu Wondong, Han'guk kundae kY(I/1gjesa, pp. 229-37,248-53,290-93,300. Iron-
    ically, the ironmakers granted monopoly sales over tools made from scrap iron suffered
    from this decision as well because the old licensed iron shop recaptured the business.
    Kang Man'gil, "Chason hugi sang'op chabon [Ii s6ngjang," pp. 88-90; idem, Chos(ln
    hugi sangop chahon ui paltal, pp. 74-75,188-95; Yu Kyosong, "Soul Yug'uijon yon'gu,"
    PP·3^8 9-93·

  2. For a discussion of the effects of the Ch'ae Chegong's joint-sa\cs policy of 1791,
    i.e., the limit on monopoly privileges to the six shops, on metalworkers, furriers, hat-
    makers, and other artisam, see Kang Man 'gil, Chosiin hugi sang (Jp c/whon iii paltal, pp.
    133-50; Song Ch'ansik, Yijo hugi sugong(lp e kwanhan win 'gll [A study of manufac-
    ture in the latc Yi dynasty] (Seoul: Soul taehakkyo ch'u]p'anbu, '973), pp. 22-42.

  3. See n. 27.

  4. MHBG 159:loa-b.

  5. Tashiro Kazui, Kinsei NitchO tsiikyi5 hi5ekislzi no kenkyii, pp. 360-62, 367, 371 -72.
    Won Yuhan found less exact statistics in Korean records. He found one report in 1734
    that annual imports had come to several hundred thousand kun of copper, and that 30.000
    kiln was imported in 1634, and 45.000 kun in 1693. Copper imports were also suspended
    in 1742 because it was costing too much silver to buy. Import of zinc from China was
    also restricted by both the Korean government to reduce silver exports and by the Chi-
    nese government to restrict the outflow of zinc. Won Yuhan, "Sipp'al segi e issoso ui
    hwap'ye ch6ngch'aek," pp. 75-78.

  6. W6n Yuhan has interpreted the reduction of dependence on Japanese copper imports,
    and the production of surplus copper from Korean mines as important indicators of eco-
    nomic devclopmcnt, in "Choson hugi hwap'ye chongch'ack e taehan i Ikoch'al," pp. 93-95.
    For his discussion of copper mining, see idem, "Sipp'al segi e iss6so ui hwap'ye
    ch6ngch'aek," pp. 78-83.

  7. The magistrate of Suan, Kang Chunhum, also proposed a 2-cash coin in 1813.
    Won Yuhan, "Choson hugi hwap'ye chOngch'aek e kwanhan ilkoch'al," pp. 78-87; Palais,
    Politics and Policy in Traditional Korea, p. 169.

  8. Pak Chega, ChOngyujip, pp. 408-9; Kim Yongdok, Choson hugi sasal1gsa
    yiJ/I'gll, p. 170.

  9. U Ch6nggyu. Kn}l/gje yaon [Views from a rustic on the managemcnt of the coun-
    try], Yi Iks('ing, tram,. (Seoul: Oryu munhwasa, 1973), pp. 295-96.
    35· Ibid .. rp· 293-95·

  10. ChtJng Iks6p, "Pak Chi won iii saeng'ae wa sasang" [Thc life and thought of Pak
    Chi won J, in Honam munhwa yon'guso [Institute of Cholla cullUre I. ed., Yi UrllO paksa
    chongn),(ln kinyiim Sirhak 11(}llclz 'ong [Collected essays on practicallcarning in honor

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