Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1


ehinhOn ~ at tribute payments to the
Ch'ing court
ehinjang iA ~ garrison conullanders
ell'injin #UI limiting inheritance of
royal blood to four generations
Chinju (p.n.) 1f 1'M
Chinjusa '**~ envoy to present a
memorial to the emperor
Chinmu. See ChOmjol chesa ~.
ellinsa ~± advanced scholar. Liter-
ary licentiate degrees
Chinsa ~~ garrison commander
ehinsang ~L royal tribute; tribute in
local products to the king and royal
Chinsaw6n ~ ± ~ Hall for Advanced
ehinyongjang if{ ff ~ another term for
Chip'yong-hyon (p.n.) ~~~
ehiu-ming 11 1t the nine mandated
ranks of early China
ehiu-p 'in 11 ~ nine ranks
eho m tax or rent
eho (Ch., tiao) • the rang capitation
tax for tribute
eh 'a IIIl! company (military organiza-
eh '0 '!Ii wife
Chobangjang .IJlJ ~ ~ auxiliary de-
fense officer
elweh 'am JiY.I~ court audience
Choch'ang ilk Maritime Transport
elweh 'ong ,~itf fowling piece or mus-
eh 'odae 13 ~ royal audience
ehoe Iff! crimes
Ch'ogwan II~'§ company commander
ehOhwa m jt paper money
Chojiso n!t~.,!f papermaking agency
ehojol m $. grain transport workers
ehok ~ legitimate sons
ehok iff: local community unit (Chou)

ehOkeha • T legitimate son
ehOkehangia • ~T eldest son of a
legitimate wife
ehOkehang-jasoll ~ ~ T ~ eldest
sons and grandsons oflegitimate wives
Chokch'inwi iff: m,14V Royal Relative
ehOkehOn If EB ruler's ceremonious
cultivation of his own plot
ehOkehOng ,@. T full quota land grant
to an adult able-bodied male liable for
military service (Koryo)
ehokse ti* tit hereditary lineage
ehokso • Ef. legitimate sons and nothoi
(sons of concubines)
ehoktang iff::I; sons and grandsons and
lineage relations
ehO/ W nodes of a bamboo stalk
Ch6lchesa W II f!1! commissioners of
ordering and organizing
eho/ka tJT {it the equivalent value or
price of one thing in terms of another
Ch611a Province ~ &
Ch 'olli (Ch., T'ien-li) :7(J.!!! principle
of Heaven, heavenly principle
ehOl/on EB ilfu Tasan's essay on land
ChOllyegwan :!!Il-tl1r ritual officials
eholsu ib 'an tJT ~ j[ ~ royal certifi-
cate granting cession of rights to in-
dividuals, as in the grant of salt flats
and fishing weirs to royal princesses
Choltosa W It ~ provincial military
Canny or navy) commander
Ch'omjol chesa iii W.It~ com-
manders of the seventeen garrisons or
chill (early Chos~n).
chOmjOn yullall ~ EB ::ff Ill! limited
possession of land
Ch'omsa JfR it see Ch'6mj6l chesa
Ch' omsajin JfR{!f iA prefectural-level
naval garrisons
ell 'omsolehik ~ ~ f!1! official sine-
ehOmsu ~ 3It recei ve
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