Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

Chu Hsi tseng-sun Lii-shih hsiang yiieh

  • .:ttl m 9 ~. t.tJ Emendations
    on the Village Oath System of Mr. Ui
    chii-jen (Ch.) :$ A provincial degree
    holders (Ming and Ch'ing China)
    Ch'uan-fu (Ch.) Jff Currency Agency
    (Chou dynasty) which took charge of
    collecting market taxes in cash and
    buying unsold goods that had been ac-
    cumulating on the market, functioning
    presumably to stabilize prices
    Chiian-ytin-shih (Ch.) .. :ii 1iJ! Re-
    gional commissioner for transport
    chiieh (Ch.) fi ranks of nobility
    chugwall-daesill ± ff"
    1..2 "the great
    official in charge," an oblique refer-
    ence to Kim Yuk
    chuho ± P main householder
    ehuill ± A warehousemen called the
    masters or private masters (sajuill)
    chuin ± A bureau masters in charge of
    tribute collection; or govenunent pur-
    chasing master or agent to buy items
    from the market; see chongjuin
    chuin ± A agent of the provincial
    chujill ± _ main garrison in the
    chin 'gwan systems
    Chujon-dogam ., ~ ~ fit Directorate
    of the Mint (Korya, est. 1102)
    chuksull 1t iij bamboo shoots
    eh 'ulbyong ttl ~ military service
    ch 'ulse ttl;{#. taxes
    ch 'ulsin ttl:!it holder of the military
    examination degree
    chiin (Ch.) W commandery or prefec-
    ture in Chinese dynasties; see kun
    Chiin (Ch.) tt ruler
    Ch 'un-ch 'iu tf:l* Spring and Autumn
    chiin-hsien (Ch.) W~ conunanderies
    and prefectures, or the generic tenn
    for centralized bureaucracy


chiin-shui/a (Ch.) f5J;{#'#5: equal tax
chiin-tzu (Ch.) tt T man of superior
Ch'unch'u'gwan tf:l*M Spring and
Autumn Office
Ch 'ung-chen (Ch.) *':b't Chinese coin
Chung-cheng (Ch.) *.IE personnel
evaluation official (Wei and Chin)
Chung-shih (Ch.) * #i Middle Shih,
official rank (Chou)
Chung-shu (Ch.) * 1! secretaries
(T'ang and Sung)
Chung-shu sheng (Ch.) * 1! l'f Secre-
tariat (T' ang and Sung)
Ch'ung-tsai (Ch.) ~* Prime minister
in Book 0/ History
Chung-Cung era * tit. Yuan dynasty,
Chung-l 'ung yiian-pao-ch 'ao (Ch.) *
tlt.5G. ~ paper bill issued in 13th
c. Yiian dynasty
chung-wei (Ch.) * r.w commander of
the Northern Anny (i.e., Capital
Chungbo munhOnbigo :ttltm Jt ~ fffl ~
Ch'ungch'anwi ,t,.r.w Loyal Assis-
tant Guards
Ch' ungch' ang Province ,t, m
Chungch 'ubu * til Jff Military Affairs
Commission (or Office of Ministers-
without-portfolio) (Choson)
Chungch 'ubu Y ongsa * til Jff i'ft $
Chief of the Military Affairs Commis-
sion (Chief Minister -without-Portfolio)
chiingdung * -JfJ-ell 'ung 'in and others
chunggong :t::~t mass participation
Chunggun *. provincial governor's
military aide; subordinate to divi-
sional commander (Taejang)
chllnggwangsaeng :ttl JJI( ~ extra quota
or irregular students
cllunghagye *"F ~ Middle and
Lower Kye reserved for commoners
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