sin 'gong ~ j{ personal tribute paid by
outside resident slaves to the govern-
sinhaek t 'onggong " :1m ~ the 1791
"joint-sales" decree, which allowed
unlicensed merchants to operate in the
capital alongside the six shops
(Yug'ilijon or Yukchubijon)
sinje ffIf ill!I new system; Yu Hyongwon' s
ternl for those military units estab-
lished after the Imjin War
Sinmyongsaek $ IYJ {g local expert for
each magistrate
sino :1f Y:J. ofIicial slave
sinobi! capital bureau slaves
sinp'o :!it :(jJ personal cloth tax
Sinson'gun jf~. New Select Sol-
sinyok ~ 1)[ personal service (including
support taxes for soldiers)
SipchOn ('ongbo +~JiI. Ten-cash
Circulating Treasure
Sirhak .-: Practical Learning
sirhakcha .~ Practical Learning
Siwigun -f;'j ~. Attendant Guard
so Yf schools below district level
so (Ch.) Jfr local unit (Ming)
so );{f commoner
so);{f nothoi, sons of concubines
so );{f all other sons besides the eldest
son of a legitimate wife; see soja
soban iffi the Western file, i.e., mili-
tary officials
sodang .:!it elementary schools
soese ~ tit an age of decline
sog 'ak ffi ~ popular musicians
Sogi ifttc secretary
sog '0 ffi the Che-chiang system of
military organi7.ation, or their units
sog 'ogun * ffi. soldiers of sog '0
units; often used to mean slave sol-
diers since slaves were allowed into
such units
sogyong!.f~ censorate's right to re-
view candidates recommended for of-
Sohak IJ\* The Small Learning
soho IJ\ P smallholder
soin (Ch.));{fA commoners
soin iffi A Westerner faction
soin IJ\ A "small people," i.e., men of
lesser moral capacity
soja IJ\ T a younger person
soja );{f T nothos or nothoi; sons (or
children) of concubines
soja );{f T all other sons besides the
eldest son of a legitimate wife
sojok );{f ~ commoner lineage
soji5n IJ\ ~ small coin that was one
fourth the weight of a "large coin"
sok 15 som, equivalent to 15 or 20 mal, I
picuI, measure of volume
Sokchon •• rites to Confucius on 2.8
lunar at the Munmyo shrine
soksin II! :!it purchase of freedom or
commoner status by or for slaves
Soktaejon .)(:!Jl!. Choson dynasty law
code of 1746
solchOng .$ T dependent male adults
solgo nobi .$ Ji!f Y:J.. service slaves,
not domestic slaves, as previously
solgwan-bunjik i'ii lr Jt II establishing
ofIices and dividing up responsibilities
som colloquial term for sok, one picul of
grain by volume; 15 or 20 mal
somin );{f ER. ordinary commoners
song '/1 human nature
song ~ sincerity
Songgynn'gwan ~:I!grr National Acad-
songjok t& ~ surnames and lineages
Songju (p.n.) £1'H