I 184 G LOS S A R Y
subu 7./(~ sailors, river transport work-
such 'a sokp '0 7./(.$.:O li@! water-wheel
rock cannon
such '01 _ pig iron
Such 'olkye 7./(.~ pig-iron association
sugi ch 'iin-ji-do ~ B ~ A z.:i1i self
rectification (as the means to) the gov-
ernance of others
sugun (chusa) . marines or mari-
time soldiers
Sugun chOltosa 7./(. flti It ~ Provin-
cial Navy Commander
sui (Ch.) ~ age; see se
Sui dynasty m
sujinjang .~ naval garrison com-
Sujong Il1ti t'£ attendants
suk fl! a watchtower used also as a local
school in ancient China
Sukchong sillok ;I" JUt Veritable
Record/or King SukchOng
suktong ~M wrought iron (also an-
nealed copper or brass)
sulka :ffi practitioners of shamanism,
acupuncture, and geomancy
Sunbyonsa ~:if ~ mobile border
Sunch'alsa ~~~ concurrent mobile
inspectors, dispatched from capital to
command troops in the field
Sunch'on (p.n.) ~[Q
sung ft-cKor., toe); .1 mal, a measure
of weight used for grain.
sung f-see sae
sung !J$ assistant magistrate
Sung d)-nasty
Sung-shih (Ch.) .'£. History o/the
Sung dynasty
sungjach 'ong JmT~ sung-type gun
Sungbal ~ fJ assistant to a magistrate
sungho @ P promoting support taxpay-
ers to duty soldiers
Sungjongwon ~l!& ~ Royal Secretar-
sungmok f\-* type of cloth
Sungmunwon iRx ~ Office ofDiplo-
matic Correspondence
Sungsang (Ch'eng-hsiang, Ch.) ~;f§
prime minister
sun 'gyong kunsa ~ 4} • fmj capital
sunhaeng ~ fi periodic rounds of
inspection by a governor of all districts
in his province
sunjang ~~ patrol officers
sunwi ~ ~ capital constabulary
Su6ch'ong ~ •• Defense Command,
at the Namhan fort
Suosa ~.~ Defense Commander of
the Defense Command (SuOch'ong)
stationed at the Namhan fort
sup '0 !&:ffi' cloth taxpaying military
officers (kun 'gwan)
sup '0 kun 'gwan !&:ffi'.1? cloth tax-
paying military officers
suryong ~~ generic term for district
Susa * ~ provincial navy commander
Susayong (Suyong) * ~ ~ Provincial
Naval Commander's Headquarters
susonggun ~ ~. walled town de-
fense troops
Suwon (p.n.) * lJj(
Suyong * ~ Susayong, Provincial
Naval Commander's Headquarters
Szechwan (p.n.) 1m)1[ Chinese province
ta-chen (Ch.) *itllarge garrison
ta-ch 'uan (Ch.) *~ large cash
Ta-ch 'uan wu-pai (Ch.) **li E
SOO-cash coin (Wu)
Ta-fu (Ch.) :.k:k. official (Chou)
ta-hsueh * "" adult schools
Ta-kuo (Ch.) * II largest fief in the
Chou dynasty