CSS Chosen sotokufu [Government-general of Chosen]. Clu')senshi [History of Korea].
35 vols. in 6 series. Keijo: Chosen insatsu kabushiki kaika, 1932-40.
Han Woo-keun, KGTJ Han Woo-keun [Han Ugi:inJ, Yi S6ngmu, Min Hyon'gu, Yi T'ae-
jin, and Kwon Oy6ng, eds. }(,)kchu Kyongguk taejon [Translated and annotated Great
Code for managing the state]. Songnam, Kyonggi Province: Han'guk chOngsin
munhwa yon'guwon, 1985.
ILSN Ilsongnok [Record of daily reflection].
KGTJ Chosen sotokufu chiisuin, cd. Kyongguk taejoll [Great code for managing the
state]. Preface dated 1469; subsequently revised four times by 1485. Keijo: Chosen
sotokufu chiisuin, 1934.
KRS Koryosa [History of the Kory6 dynasty]. 3 vols. Seoul: Y6nhi:ii taehakkyo
eh'ulp'anbu, T955.
KRSCY Korw)sa chiirvo [Essentials of Kory6history]. Seoul: Asea munhwasa, 1973.
KSDSJ Yi Hongjik, cd. Kuksadaesajon [Great dictionary of national history]. 2 vols.
Seoul: Chimun'gak, T963.
MGYR Man 'gi yoram. 2 vols. Chaeyongp'yon [Handbook of government affairs:
Finance J. Keijo: Chosen sOlokufu ehiisiiin, 1937. Kunjongp 'yon l Handbook of gov-
ernment affairs: Military affairs]. Keijo: Chosen sotokufu chiisiiin, 1938.
MHBG Chiingbo munhOnbigo [The MUllhOnbigo, supplemented]. 250 kwon. Seoul:
Hongmun'gwan, 1907.
PBSDN Pibyonsa tiingnok [Record of the border defense command]. 16 vols. Seoul:
Kuksa p'y6nch'an wiw6nhoe, 1949.
PGSR Yu Hy6ngw6n. Pan 'gye surok.
Sillok All footnote references to Kuksa p'y6nch'an wiw6nhoe [National Historical Com-
pilation Committee 1, ed .. Choson wangjo sillok [The veritable records of the kings of
the Choson dynasty J. 48 vols. (Seoul: Tongguk munhwasa, 1955), will be noted accord-
ing to the Sil/ok or Veritable Record of each king, and the page reference will be to
the original folio edition, not the page number of this 1955 edition. E.g .. Hvonjong