Korean, Chinese, and Japanese terms are defined in the Glossary.
ahyong. 22R. 254, 4f>2, 465. 470-71, 489,
- 5 15. !O62, I 10 I
Academies. See Schools
Aechongso, 62 5. 644
aeg 'oe kyosaeng, 477
aeg lJe samosok, 498
aeg ()esaeng, 162
aegl)eyok, 471,497
aengnaesaeng, 162
aengnaeyok, 471, 497
Agency for Royal Relatives, 868
Agency for the Arrest of Thieves, 6 18
Agency for the Elderly, f> I 8
Agency of Punishments. 618
Agency of Supreme Physicians, 623
Agriculture: assessing crop damage, 64,
834-35. 853; drought, 109: in early Choson,
29,53, 60, f>9-7o: economic liberalization
of, 3: fcrtiliLer, 855: food crises, 66, 371-
72 .454-55,701,834,9 2 9,933,935,939.
957; after the Imjin War, 19, I04-IO, 366:
and interest rates, 930; irrigation, 67-68,
695-96,714,855-56; king's personal plot,
590-92; productivity, 362-67; sharecrop-
ping, 46, 68, 70, 317-18, 370, 553; surplus
production, 873; water supply, !O39;
weights and measures, 322-27. See also
Granaries: Land reform; Landownership;
Ai, Emperor (Former Han). 286-87
ajon, 685
akkong. 187.622
aksaeng. 187
alsong, 156-57, If>I, 201
Altars of Land and Soil, f>44
Amhaeng ()sa. 784
am un tunj(JIl. 105
An-ch'a-shih. 678, 679
An Chcmgbok, 8, I 1,202,203,754,755.760.
I 129; on military service, 470, 471,472,
574: on slavery, 261-65
An Lu-shan, 88, 407, 614, 651, 652, 665.677.
679, I I 14, 1121
An Pyongt'ae, 998
An Tang, 713
Analects. 178, 182
Ancestral Shrine of the Royal Lineage
(Chongmyo 1. 592
Andong Kim. 76f>
angyok nohi. 106f>
Animism. 6. 710, 100,'
Anti-Manchu Division (Ch'ongyungch'ong),
94,95, 9f>. 97. 103. 104.458.465-66,488,
563, 928, I lOs: military and support per-
sonnel, 470, 472
Aquinas, 209
Arai Hakuseki, 977, 999
Archery. 85, 88, 89,127, ISO, 183-84.207.
SIS. 711
Aristocracy: bone-rank, 294, 666; Chinese,
133-37: Choson, 118; gentry, 116-'7:
hereditary aspects of. I 15-I 6; Korean,
137-39. See also Jll.lIllhiil; Yangban
Aristotle, 201'
Armored Soldiers, Sf>4. f>29
arokchon, 800
Artisans: in early Chos6n. 29-30. 57: