Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

Crack Select Agency (CMngch'och'ong), 446,
454-55,5 02
Crack Select Soldiers (Chongch'ogun), IOJ,
Crown Prince Guards (Seja Igwisa), 645
Crown Prince Tutorial (Sejigangwon), 644
Cumings, Bruce, 356
Currency: after 1731, 964-98; anti-cash bias,
930-31,933-51: cash policy, 56-57,
862- 6 3, 90 4- 6 , 9 1 [-j J, 96 7- 6 9,979,
987-98, 1000; cash/rice exchange rate,
55-5 6 ,57,862- 6 3,889,937,95 1 ,957-5 8 ;
cash shortages, 969-80; in China,
878-902,921,945,960-61,1000; Ch'ing
cash, 970-71, 990, 993; before Choson era,
50-53; cloth, 51-59 passim, 862, 872,
57, 959; contraction of money supply,
927-29,943: copper cash, 52-59 passim,
989,997, 1000; cotton bolts as, 942; coun-
terfeiting, 881-83, 891, 96 I, 963, 97 I,
974; cowry shells as, 887, 888; Currency
Agency, 879; debasement of, 889, 890-91,
963,968; and deflation, 932-57, 962, 1017:
early Choson policy, 53-59, 907-9;
exchange rates, 917-20; expansion of,
987- 8 9; failure of, 17,59,869-70, 874,
906; government cash reserves, 937-38;
grain used as, 58, 955, 956-57; and infla-
lion, 925-3 I, 962, 1016: interest rates,
930-31,952-53,979; Koryo era policy,
902-6; late Choson policy, 964-98; metal-
lic forms, 19,21,51,52,857,858,862,
902, 904, 1009; minting, 857, 858 , 873-74,
970-73, 978 , 9 8 7, 993, 996-98; moral
opposition to, 883-84, 898-99; multiple-
denomination coins, 887-88, 889, 899,
910-1 I, 955-56, 958-61, 963, 972-73,
977-78,989,995-96,998, 1016, I017;
paper money, 51-59 passim, 897-900,
904-6,908-9,941-42; penny cash, 910-
998, 1014, IOIT and silver, 902, 909,
990,992; silver coins, 974-79, 990,
992-93; and taedong system, 866-68;
and usury, 930, 931, 933, 943, 951, 952;
Yu Hyongwon's views on, 909-23, 987-88,

1017, See also Commerce and industry;
Copper; Monetary policy

Daily Record of Events (Shih-cheng-chi), 619
Davis, David Brion, 210
Death gratuity, 425
Defense Command (Suoch'ong), 97, 98, 102,
521, 524, 563, 1038, 1105; commander, 80,
81,97,455,465,682; military and support
personnel, 470, 472
Defense Regiment, 466
Department of Secret Documents, 595
Department of State Affairs (Shang-shu
sheng), 598, 599
Deuchler, Martina, 1082
Directorate for Inspection of Slaves, 2 I 8
Directorate for Investigation of Slave Status,
Directorate for Rectification of Tribute, 773,
Directorate for Slave Registration, 230
Directorate of Astronomy, 187,421,617,623,
Directorate of Buddhist Publications, 7 I
Directorate of Medicine, 187,421,563,623
Directorate of Sanitation, 31
Directorate of the Capital Markets, 31
Directorate of the Mint, 5 I , 902
Directorate of Works, 645
Directorates (Chien), 613
Disciple's Faction (Soron), 253,464, 539, 540,
550,576,766,964, 1104
Doctrine of the Mean. 12, 182,266,267
Dorgan, Prince, 103, 104, 395, 457
Drunkenness, 636
Dualism, 12, 13
Duby, Georges, 245
Duke of Shao, 662
DulL Jack, 1110, II 12, II 15
Duncan, John, 33, 34, 36,40, 711 , 1021, 1024
Duty soldiers, 418-19, 421-32, 439, 442 , 444,
446,457,467-68,477,503,553; off-duty
rotating, 448-49; replacement, 431-32
Dynastic Code (Taejon), 628

East Europe, 18
Eastcrn Capital, 904
Eastern Chin dynasty, 87, 88, 884
Easterner faction (Tong' in), 63, 77, 83,93, 98
Economy: and community compacts, 714-15;
crop damage, assessing, 834-35; cycles of
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