pangmul, 779. 785
pang nap. See taenap
pang'ol', 747
Pang 'asa. 80, 8 l. 682
pangp at'si)ll, 5 I 7
pallgsallg. 164
P'an'gwan. 679, 6~8. 716
pangyak, ~o
Pan 'gye surok. See Yu Hyangwan
Pangyakso,75 6
pall 'ill, 68,71
pallllO, 247
P'ansa,6 17
p(Jo,4 2 7,694,7 08 ,737
paa-chang, 694
pao-ch C/{), 51. 905
paa-cheng, ~04
pao-chia. 153. 702. 709, n I, 734· 737, 752 ,
P(Jo-IlW C!ll. 427
Paper Money Treasury (Chasom chahwago),
Papermaking, 29, I I I, 803, 810
P'ap'yang Yun clan, 62, 607
Park Chung-hee, 850
Patriarch's Faction (Noron), 231, 248, 266,
Patterson, Orlando, 212
Peasants: and cash, 954; commoner peasant
cultivators. 330-33. 342: guaranteed subsis-
tence. 320-22, 352: imilliseration of, 68-
69: alld land distribution, 42. 4-', 45, 46, 68,
370-71: and land reform. 330-33, 342,
352; and loans to, 692-9~, 695-700, 702-3,
930-~ 1 , 952, 979: "managerial." 360-62:
and military service. 84. 89-90,401,544:
and private properly, 278-80: productivity
01',837,843: rebellion, 367-68. 814:
relief programs for, 695-96, 699, 10 I 6:
runaways, 396-97: social status, 4, 68-69:
and taedong system, 794-95, 815: and
tenancy, 50, 67, 357-68: and tribute and
taxation, 948, 32, 49-50, 73, 74; uncom-
pensated labor service, 47-48. See also
Agriculture: Lahor; Land reform: Landown-
ership: lal'i/ong system: Taxation
Peddlers, -' 1,57, 1 12
Peer's School (Chonghak), 163. 195,196
Pei-chii n. 406. 503
Pei-men hsiieh shih, 597
P'ei Hsing-chien. 1 120
P'ei Kuang-ting, 653, I 1 20
INDEX (^1259)
P'ei Tsu-yeh. 134-35. 136, 139
P 'eng-tang, 142 ,655
Perkins, Dwight, }65-66
Personnel Bureau (Ssu-t'u fu). 133
Personnel Ministry (HsUan-ts'ao). 650. See
also Ministry of Personnel (China)
Personnel Office (Ch6ngbang). 660. See also
Ministry of Personnel (Korea)
Personnel officer (Ssu-shih), 647
Philippines, 78, 901
pi (five-family unit), 127,300,414,706
pi (local community), 300
pi-chao, 657
Pi Shu, 652
Pibyonsa. See Border Defense Command
pich (mghlJp. 259
pigong, 1069
Piguk. See Border Defense Command
p'il,5 2
p'ilch'ae, 835
p'in, 1043
ping, 604
Ping-ti Ho, 38-39
pip lllljlJg 'imylJ sUchang [chOn 'glJ] juuijlJg'in
hangmun t'aedo, 13
Pledges j()r the Village Granary Kye
(Sach ;mggye yaksak), 724-29, 743, 753
po (paces), 326
po (soldiers' support unit). 419
I' '0 (cloth tax), 4R7
po (police box), 507
Po Chii-i, 299-jOo
Po I, 772
pa-shih kuan, 132
pohusang, 31, 1 12
pohyong, 337,402,416,419
P'och'on, 981, 1032
Poch'unggun, 38, 226
Poetry, 140
pogap (pao-chia), 752
pogye, 163,193,403
poin. See Support taxpayer system
pokho, 801
Pokson'gun.4 60
pN,13 6
prJn (root), 325
piJn (shift of rotating duty soldiers). 417
ponghudong.957.9 67
pongch llek, 582
pOllggiJn (jeng-chien), 285, 336, 339, 574, 584