Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

YOnggwan, 625
Yonghak, 162, 174,679
Yonghoyong, 1093. [105
Yong'in, 1033
YOngjang,397, 617
yongjik, 629
YOngjo, King, 8. 544, 546, 757: anti-cash bias,
934-51,980; cash policies of, 957, 961-63,
[017; and community compacts, 752; death
of, 987: and equal opportunity. 754; and
filicide, 99 I; and government, 802; and
interest rates, 952-53; and land, 369-70,
853: and matrilineal rule, 231, 248, 249,
549; and power, 765: and Queen Chongsun,
266; rebellion against, 391; and slavery,
259-60,261,263,265,268,549; and taxes,
575,852, 1015; and troops, 563
Yongjosa, 62 I
yong()l'chOn, 45, 288, 289, 369
YOng'un'gwan, 688
Y(ln 'ip, 412
WJlZjik, I 139
Y6nsan, 1096
Yonsan'gun, King, 58, 62, 72,1 II, 584, 603,
60 7,635,664,67 1 ,77 2 ,774,778,113^1
Y6nsoch'6ng, 524
YOnyongw6n. See Hall for Inviting the Brave
yDsuk, 171
Young Westerners, 96, 97, 98, 102, 113, 1038
VOWJk, 1042, 1059
YII, 153
Yii (sage emperor, Hsia), 777, 904
Yu Chili' iI, 373
Yu Cho (S6bong), 157
Yu Hon, 496
Yu Hyogyon, 447-67 passim, 480, 496, 523
Yu Hyongwon (1622-72): as a Confucian, 10.
13,14, IS, 124,145,176,179-83,242-43,
328,420. 1010,1012; influence, 201-7,
246-70, 10[6-17; life, 4-7; methods and
goals, [21: and Northerner faction, 1010;
regard for China, 240: risk of execution, 64:
as statecraft thinker, 6-[3, 849-51,
1010-14; writings, 7-9
-Works ofYu Hyongwon: Hakkyo samok,
162: Pan ' surok, 4-5, 7, 8, 20-2 I, 115,
337,371,551,556,638,753,987, 1041
-Subjects discussed by Yu Hyongwon: age,


190,592-93,744; aristocracy, 133-39,
[ 55, 649; Buddhist monasteries, 685; Chi-
nese practices, 122-3 [,592-608,612-15,
626-43,647-59,84^8 ,879-9^02 ,1010-11,
1013-14; clothing, 637-39; community
compacts, 735-57; community solidarity,
[016, 1017; discipline, [81-82; economic
issues, 107,313-52,769-70,825-26,848,
999-1001,1010, 1013. 1015,1016; educa-
tional reform, 92,170-207,1013; equal-
field system, 287-92; examination system,
148-54, 154-69, 176,202-3,648, 10[2;
factionalism, 63-64; family pedigree,
665-67, 746-48; free speech, 750; funerals.
585-87; government, 579-80, 594-99,
1016; hired labor. 2,8-46, 351,1012; insti-
tutional questions, [4-20, 141, 1013;
knowledge, 182-88; Korean history, 144-
46: land limitation, 309,1016; land reform,
g48,999, lOW, lOIS; land system, KorY(l,
292-99,323,331-33; landlords, 107,
305-7, 334; local self-government, 708-34,
735-57,1013; merchanti>, 388,999; merit
subjects, 584-85, 609; military reform,
501-39,541,545,55[-58,569-77, 1O[ I,
1015, 1016; monarch's role, 590-94,
602-1 I; national annual expenditures,
846-47; nepotism, 194: nobility, 582-84;
plot boundaries, 281-83, 291,414, IOJ I:
private property, 278-80, 287, 289, 303,
313-19.350,85[; provincial and local
administration, 673-704, 1013; punishment,
1005, 101 I; "real facts," "real principles,"
12, 13; recommendation process, 654-56,
[013; recruitment procedures, 144-45;
ritual, 126, 130, 20T royal marriage,
599-60 I; Royal Treasury, 589-90; royal
tribute, 818-23, 848,1012; salaries,
226-27,629,835-45,850,1013; slavery,
41, 118-19,192-94,205,210,232-70,
850-5[,1011,1012. lOIS; society as rulers
and ruled, 284: taedollR reform, 769-75.
778-814 passim, 8 I 5-18, 848-54; taxa-
tion, 291, 10 12, 10 15; technology, 186-88,
207: tribute. 815-54 passim, 1012; welfare
state, 3 I 7; well-field system, 280-86, 291,
295-96,299-301, 414-15, lOW; women,
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