C. Waerzeggers, 2003 / 4 , ‘The Babylonian revolts against Xerxes and the “end of archives” ’, Archiv
für Orientforschung 50 : 150–178 (important analysis of archives from Borsippa, which fixes the
date of the revolts in Xerxes’ reign, and the changes in personnel in the North Babylonian
For discussion of the situation in the poorly documented northern sector of the
Babylonian province, see:
R. Bertolino, 1999 , ‘Un iscrizione inedita in aramaico d’impero a Hatra’, in L. Milano et al. (eds),
Landscapes: territories, frontiers and horizons in the Ancient Near East( 54. Rencontre Assyriologique
Internationale, Venice 1997 ; History of the Ancient Near East/Monographs III/ 1 ; Padua: Sargon:
133 – 138 ).
A. Kuhrt, 1995 , ‘The Assyrian heartland in the Achaemenid period’, in P. Briant (ed.), Dans les
pas des Dix-Mille: peuples et pays du proche-orient vus par un grec (Toulouse: Pallas 43 ; 239 – 254 ).
— Amélie Kuhrt —