The Viking World (Routledge Worlds)

(Ben Green) #1
Pre-Christian religion and belief

16 The religion of the Vikings 212
Anders Hultgård
( 1 ) The Old Norse gods 219
Jens Peter Schjødt
( 2 ) Cult leaders, rulers and religion 223
Olof Sundqvist
( 3 ) Rulers as offspring of gods and giantesses: on the mythology of
pagan Norse rulership 227
Gro Steinsland
( 4 ) The creation of Old Norse mythology 231
Margaret Clunies Ross

17 Popular religion in the Viking Age 235
Catharina Raudvere
( 1 ) Sorcery and circumpolar traditions in Old Norse belief 244
Neil Price

18 The material culture of Old Norse religion 249
Anne-Sofie Gräslund

19 Dying and the dead: Viking Age mortuary behaviour 257
Neil Price

Language, literature and art

20 The Scandinavian languages in the Viking Age 274
Michael P. Barnes

21 Runes 281
Henrik Williams

22 Poetry in the Viking Age 291
Judith Jesch
( 1 ) The performance of the Poetic Edda 299
Terry Gunnell

23 The Icelandic sagas 304
Lars Lönnroth
( 1 ) Snorri Sturluson: his life and work 311
Anthony Faulkes
( 2 ) The sagas of Icelanders 315
Guðrún Nordal
( 3 ) The heroic and legendary sagas 319
Stephen Mitchell

24 The development of Viking art 323
David M. Wilson


–– Contents ––
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