A History Shared and Divided. East and West Germany Since the 1970s

(Rick Simeone) #1


food and goods, 305–09
housing, 16, 55, 206–07, 213,
252, 461, 465, 301–304
marketing, 22, 295, 298–300,
310–12, 350, 513–16, 555–57,
570, 582
supermarket, 19, 169, 268, 271,
CSU (Christian Social Union in
Bavaria), 57, 77, 175, 467, 472–73
Czechoslovak Socialist Republic
(ČSSR), 118, 164, 259, 298, 459,
467–68, 575, 582

Dahrendorf, Ralf, 255
Daume, Willi, 508–10, 513
Deutsch, Karl W., 351
DFB (Deutscher Fußballbund,
German Football Association),
506–07, 511–12, 522–23
DGB (Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund,
German Trade Union Federation),
56, 245, 254
digital revolution. See computer
of foreigners, 166, 454, 461–62,
471–77 (see also right-wing
See also women
dissidents, 55, 157, 168, 453–54, 565.
See also social movements
DSB (Deutscher Sportbund, German
Sport Federation), 507, 510, 512,
516, 531
DTSB (Deutscher Turn- und
Sportbund, German Gymnastics
and Sports Federation), 514–15,
518, 529–30
Dutschke, Rudi, 163

economic crisis, 18, 71, 73, Chapter
2 , 162, 206, 210, 248, 250, 369

job crisis, 366–67, 398 (see also
education, 8, 16, 22, 27–28, 45–46,
52–54, 72, 199–201, 203, 212, 221–
22, 242, 244, 313, 318, 321–22,
324, 363, 371–72, Chapter 8, 554,
558, 562, 571
employment sectors, transformation
of, 111–114, 116–117, 197–203,
Chapter 5. See also unemployment
environmental policy, Chapter 3
European Economic Community
(EEC), 49, 119–121, 459
European Union (EU), 160, 165, 217,
Ewald, Manfred, 510, 513–15, 528

family, 21, 47, 54, 60, 195, 199,
203–06, 212, 214, 217, 220,
224–27, 294, 301–02, 313–326,
400, 405–08, 448, 455–65, 471,
FDGB (Free German Trade Union
Federation), 58, 62, 242, 245–46
FDJ (Free German Youth), 415–16,
515, 562
federalism, 28, 108, 127, 158, 204,
395–96, 417, 420–26
fi nancial crisis, 217, 222, 256
in GDR, 107, 469, 511
Fordism, 19, 114, 247–256, 261–63,
267, 269, 271, 274, 277–79
Franke, Werner, 526–28
Frankfurt am Main, 367, 374, 475
Frankfurt Oder, 520, 530
FDP (Free Democratic Party), 58, 77,
155, 175, 472

Gastarbeiter (guestworkers). See
migration: labor
Geipel, Ines, 528–29
Gläser, Rolf, 527
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