The Western Mediterranean Kingdoms_ The Struggle for Dominion, 1200-1500

(Tuis.) #1

David Abulafia, 'Ethnic variety and its implications. Frederick
II's relations with Jews and Muslims', in W. Tronzo, ed.,
Intellectual life at the court of Frederick II Hohenstaufen (Wash-
ington, DC, 1994), pp. 213-24.
HJ. Pybus, 'The Emperor Frederick II and the Sicilian
Church', Cambridge Historical journal, 3 (1929/30), pp. 134-
63; see also J.M. Powell, 'Frederick II and the Church in
the Kingdom of Sicily, 1220-40', Church History,^30 (1961),
pp. 28-34 and 'Frederick II and the Church. A revisionist
view', Catholic Historical Review, 44 (1962/3), pp. 487-97.
David Abulafia, 'La politica economica di Federico II', Federico
II e il mondo mediterraneo, ed. P. Taubert and A Paravicini
Bagliani (Palermo, 1994), pp. 165-87.
David Abulafia, 'The Kingdom of Sicily and the origins of
the political crusades', Societa, istituzioni, spiritualita. Studi
in onore di Cinzio Violante,^2 vols (Spoleto, 1994), vol. 1,
pp. 65-77.
P. Herde, 'Literary activities of the imperial and papal
chanceries during the struggle between Frederick II and
the papacy', in Intellectual life at the court of Frederick II,
pp. 227-39.
E. Pispisa, Il regno di Manfredi. Proposte di interpretazione
(Messina, 1991).

The Catalans

J.N. Hillgarth, The problem of a Catalan Mediterranean Empire,
1229-1324 (English Historical Review Supplement no. 8,
J.N. Hillgarth, The Spanish Kingdoms, vol. 1, 1250-1410, Pre-
carious balance (Oxford, 1975).
F. Fernandez-Armesto, Before Columbus. Exploration and col-
onisation from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic, 1229-1492
(London, 1987) is very agreeable.
F. Fernandez-Armesto, Barcelona. 1000 years of a city's past
(London, 1991).
T.N. Bisson, The Medieval Crown of Aragon. A short history
(Oxford, 1986).
S. Bensch, Barcelona and its rulers, 1096-1291 (Cambridge,

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