The Western Mediterranean Kingdoms_ The Struggle for Dominion, 1200-1500

(Tuis.) #1

Malta was also part of the Sicilian realm, on which see:
A.T. Luttrell, ed., Medieval Malta. Studies on Malta before the
Knights (London, 1975).

On Aragon-Catalonia see, above all, the introduction to the
Hillgarth translation of Peter the Ceremonious's chronicle
[listed above under Primary Sources].

J.A. Robson, 'The Catalan fleet and Moorish sea-power
(1337-1344)', English Historical &view,^74 (1959), pp. 386-
R. Tasis, La vida del rei En Pere III (Barcelona, 1954).
R. d'Abadal, Pere el Geremoni6 i els inicis de la decadencia politica
de Gatalunya (Barcelona, 1972).
P. Cateura Bennasser, Politica y finanzas del reino de Mallorca
bajo Pedro IV de Aragon (Palma de Mallo rca, 1982).
R. Giesey, If Not, Not. The oath of the Aragonese and the legend-
ary laws of Sobrarbe (Princeton, NJ, 1968).
P. Wolff, 'The 1391 pogrom in Spain. Social crisis or not?',
Past and Present, 50 (1971).
S. Sobreques i Vidal, El Gompromis de Gasp i la noblesa catalana
(Barcelona, 1973; originally published in article form in
the Anuario de £Studios medievales, 7, 1970-1); F. Soldevila,
El Gompromis de Gasp ( 3rd edn, Barcelona, 1994).

On the end of the Angevin period in Naples see:
N.F. Faraglia, Studii intorno al regno di Giovanna II d'Angio
(Naples, 1895; repr. Cosenza 1990).
L. Boccia, Giovanna II. Una regina di paglia (Naples, 1980).
]. Levron, Le bon roi Rene (Paris, 1972).
M. Miquel, Quand le bon roi Rene etait en Provence ( 144 7-1480)
(Paris, 1979).
R. Duchene, La Provence devient franc;aise, 536-1789 (Paris,
A. Ryder, 'The Angevin bid for Naples, 1380-1480', in David
Abulafia, ed., The French descent into Renaissance Italy, 14 94-

  1. Antecedents and effects (Aldershot, 1995), pp. 55-69.
    A. Peyronnet, 'The distant origin of the Italian wars: polit-
    ical relations between France and Italy in the fourteenth
    and fifteenth centuries', in Abulafia, French descent.
    C. de Merindol, Les fltes de chevalerie a la cour du roi Rene
    (Paris, 1993).

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