The Western Mediterranean Kingdoms_ The Struggle for Dominion, 1200-1500

(Tuis.) #1


Note: Certain terms that recur throughout the text, such as Sicily, Italy or
Catalonia, have not been included. Pre-1450 names are given with the
first name first, post-1450 names with the surname first. Popes are further
identified by giving their original name in brackets. Catalan spelling has
been adopted for place-names in Catalonia and Valencia, in accordance
with current usage (Lleida, not Lbida); however, for the Balearic islands
English, and for Catalan territories in France French, usage has been
followed. English name forms ('Peter', John') are generally confined to
rulers only.

Abraham Abulafia 101-4
Abruzzi 11, 26, 165, 200
Acciaiuoli bank 146, 148,^158
see also Nerio and Nicola
Achaia 64, 113, 145,^221
Acre 65, 112-13,^132
Africa, North (Maghrib) xv, xvi,
13, 49, 51, 52, 5~ 62, 65, 82,
84, 116, 127, 128, 129, 130,
132, 177, 18~ 221, 242, 243,
259, 261
gold of 18, 128
Aigues-Mortes 47
Alacant (Alicante) 45, 118
Alaimo da Lentini 72, 74, 76, 77
Albania xix, 5, 9, 63, 119, 145,
210, 221, 244
Alexander IV, pope (Rinaldo
de'Segni) 24
Alexander VI, pope (Rodrigo
Borgia) 243, 246, 250, 252-3
Alexandria 13, 53, 54,^97
Alfonso I the Battler, king of
Aragon 29, 31-3
Alfonso II, king of Aragon 34

Alfonso III the Liberal, king of
Aragon 87-8, 109, 111, 118
Alfonso IV the Benign, king of
Aragon 126-7, 174, 186
Alfonso V the Magnanimous, king
of Aragon 189, 196, 197,
198-9, 204-17, 219-22, 224,
232, 237, 243, 256, 262
Alfonso VII, king of Castile 33
Alfonso X, king of Castile^46
Alfonso II, king of Naples
(Alfonso of Calabria) 223-4,
228, 230, 233, 246, 253, 257
Alghero (L'Alguer), Sardinia 179,
Almohads 36, 42
Amalfi, Amalfitans 7, 72-3, 260
Andorra 117
Andrea da Isernia 153
Andrew of Hungary 145-6,
162-3, 164, 170
Anjou, county of 59, 110, 203,
Antonello da Messina 232
Apulia 8, 9, 10, 108, 146-7, 155,
214, 255, 256
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