The Globe and Mail - 18.02.2020

(Elle) #1





n May, 2017, Quebec City police
discovered the body of Véro-
nique Dorval in the trunk of
her car, with a plastic bag over her
In a letter sent to media outlets
just before her suicide, the 38-
year-old biochemist decried the
fact that she had been denied
medical assistance in dying
“People with cancer can die
with dignity and be comforted,
surrounded by their loved ones. A
person with mental illness must
die alone, in the trunk of her car. I
so badly wanted to be accompa-
nied and helped,” she wrote.
For more than a decade, Ms.

Dorval suffered from bipolar dis-
order, which she described as a
“cancer of the soul.” Medication
provided little relief from her suf-
fering and debilitating side ef-
In Canada, people with mental
illness, no matter how painful or
irremediable, cannot choose as-
sisted death because their death is
not “reasonably foreseeable.”
That is going to change on
March 12.
In a landmark ruling issued on
Sept. 11, 2019, Justice Christine
Baudouin of the Quebec Superior
Court invalidated the “reasonably
foreseeable” death clause of fed-
eral law and a similar section of
Quebec law that says people must
“be at end of life” to access assist-
ed death, and gave legislators six
months to amend the law. The
ruling was not appealed.
What legislators – both provin-
cial and federal – had to do as a re-
sult was to craft amendments that
recognize that people with men-
tal disorders as their sole underly-
ing medical condition (or MD-
SUMC, the acronym for that med-
ico-legal jargon) are real patients
with real health problems, and
with the same rights as others
who choose medically assisted

death. At the same time, they
need to recognize that wanting to
die is often a symptom of severe
mental illness, a symptom that
can be (but is not always) tempo-
rary and treatable.
That’s a fine line that will re-
quire some thoughtful law-mak-
Yet, in the months since the
Quebec court ruling, govern-
ments have mostly dithered,
something that has been the
norm during three decades of the
assisted death debate.
Ottawa did an online consulta-
tion that garnered a staggering
300,000 responses. Quebec an-
nounced recently that it will con-
sult on the issue “for as long as it
takes.” The Quebec College of
Physicians said it will suspend
MAID for MD-SUMC until a law is
in place.
In other words, the court ruling
won’t be respected for the foresee-
able future. And that could trigger
yet another court challenge.
Opponents of allowing assisted
death for MD-SUMC patients have
two principal arguments: It is im-
possible to determine if a mental
illness is irremediable, and vul-
nerable patients will be encour-
aged to die because of a lack of

mental health services or evil-
doers who want to rid society of
people with disabilities.
The latter – the well-worn “slip-
pery slope” argument – is getting
tiresome. There is no evidence
vulnerable patients are being
pushed into assisted death
against their will. If anything, the
contrary is true. MAID has be-
come an option for the elite, while
people with physical and mental
disabilities have repeatedly had to
turn to the courts to have their
right to choose respected.
The other argument – essen-
tially, “we know better than you
that your suffering is not unbear-
able” – is insulting. We don’t insist
that patients with terminal can-
cer content themselves with
hopes and prayers, and we
shouldn’t expect people with in-
tractable mental illness to do so
Unquestionably, people with
mental illness need better access
to treatment and support, just as
patients with terminal illnesses
need better access to palliative
care. But this does not obviate the
need for assisted death.
To exclude MD-SUMC patients
from accessing MAID would be
discriminatory and unjust. But

that doesn’t mean there can’t be
additional eligibility criteria.
In a recent paper, the Halifax
Group – comprised of eight ex-
perts from the Council of Cana-
dian Academies who review the
state of knowledge on medical as-
sistance in dying – articulated this
approach thoughtfully. It recom-
mended that assessment condi-
tions and the decision-making
process be strict, to ensure that
MD-SUMC patients are compe-
tent enough to make a decision to
end their lives. In other words,
MAID requests must be well-con-
sidered, not impulsive.
Let’s not forget that these cases
will be very rare. Even in the Neth-
erlands, a country with a long-
standing liberal law, fewer than 1
per cent of assisted deaths involve
patients with mental illness – 42
of 4,828 cases last year.
These issues are complex and
can make us uncomfortable. But
the law-making isn’t going to get
any easier. Soon, we will have to
decide if mature minors and pa-
tients with dementia can choose
assisted death.
In all these cases, we must pro-
ceed with caution. But we must al-
so stop acting with contempt for
the suffering.











n recent months, a populist
turn of events in India has tar-
nished Gandhi’s vision and the
country’s future as the world’s
largest secular democracy.
We were born in the same pro-
vincial city in postcolonial India.
We grew up on a steady diet of sto-
ries about the fight for independ-
ence. Our parents burned their
Western-spun clothes as part of
the national protest against En-
gland and donned home-spun
khadi in support of Mahatma
Gandhi’s dream of a free, demo-
cratic and secular India, home to
a new country for many cultures,
languages and religions.
Through twists of fate, both of
us find ourselves in Canada as
grateful and engaged citizens of
this country. But we continue to
take an abiding interest in India,
its people and its politics. We are
both, therefore, saddened and
dismayed by the developments in
our country of birth.
In 2019, the Parliament of India
amended the Citizenship Act to
provide a path to citizenship for
members of Hindu, Sikh, Budd-
hist, Jain, Parsi and Christian reli-
gious minorities who fled perse-
cution in Pakistan, Bangladesh
and Afghanistan before Decem-
ber, 2014. It’s the first time reli-
gion has been overtly used as a
criterion for citizenship under In-
dian nationality law.
The amendment has been

widely criticized as discriminat-
ing on the basis of religion, in par-
ticular for excluding Muslims.
The Office of the United Nations
High Commissioner for Human
Rights called it “fundamentally
discriminatory,” adding that
while India’s “goal of protecting
persecuted groups is welcome,”
this should be accomplished
through a non-discriminatory,
“robust national asylum system.”
The government has defended
its position by pointing out that
Pakistan, Bangladesh and Af-
ghanistan are Islamic countries,
where Muslims are unlikely to
face persecution. This argument

fails to take into account that cer-
tain minority Muslim groups,
such as the Hazaras and the Ah-
madiyyas, have faced and contin-
ue to face persecution in these
countries. In addition, there is
widespread concern that the bill,
coupled with the new National
Register of Citizens, would render
many Muslims stateless, as they
may not be able to meet the strin-
gent birth certificate require-
Indians have not stayed quiet
in the face of this discriminatory
law. Intellectuals, artists and par-
ticularly young students are
speaking out with courage. Wom-

en are the leading voices in many
cases. Sadly, the media and the
courts appear to have largely suc-
cumbed to political and populist
pressure and fallen silent.
The 17.5 million Indians who
comprise the world’s largest dias-
pora have been watching careful-
ly. Demonstrations were held in
New York, Toronto, San Francisco
and Connecticut on Jan. 26, In-
dia’s Republic Day. They were
joined by leaders of civil rights
groups such as Reverend Chloe
Breyer, the executive director of
the Interfaith Center of New York.
She noted that Martin Luther
King Jr., who was inspired by

Gandhi, “called to speak for the
voiceless.” She went on to say that
the Citizenship Act “makes an
enemy of India’s own precious
people, damaging the pluralistic
democracy that has existed since
1947 and has been such an inspi-
ration to the world.”
What has inspired us the most
is the involvement and initiative
taken by young people. In Toron-
to, peaceful protests have been
planned and led by university
students. These students light the
way forward for the rest of us.
Their unwillingness to walk away
from the reality of the situation
and their passion to stand by
what’s right for humanity has
been so moving.
Canadians and in particular In-
do-Canadians need to add their
voices to those demanding a re-
peal of the act. We need to re-
member that the persecution of
one group or one religion or one
culture opens the door to the per-
secution of others. As the world
seems to increasingly fall prey to
strong-man politics, we should
do our best to ensure the health
of the world’s largest democracy.
We, proud Indo-Canadians,
find ourselves labelled “anti-Indi-
an” because we are against the
bill and its nature. But the truth is
that it is our very “Indianness”
that makes us feel so fiercely in-
dignant about what is happening.
It is said that you can take an
Indian out of India but not India
out of an Indian. And this has
never been as relevant as it is to-
day. Although we are not in India
dealing with the immediate ram-
ifications of the situation, we can
still stand by our fellow Indians in
solidarity as they face it head on.
Humanity is taking a hit, and we
cannot stand idly by waiting for
change. We do not become who
we are in isolation.








uch like weddings and
funerals in any family,
leadership conventions
can bring out the best or worst in
folk. The coming Conservative
leadership battle will be no dif-
Part of what determines if the
best or worst in us emerges is the
disposition of the leadership
candidates themselves, and their
ability (or inability) to ensure the
comportment and standards
used by their campaigners,
whether they be paid or volun-

This risk-management con-
text is particularly acute because
a minority Parliament, as Canada
has now, can defeat a govern-
ment at any time, and the prime
minister can visitthe governor-
general to seek an election when-
ever it is clear there are not
enough votes in the House of
Commons to sustain parliamen-
tary confidence.
That means there may not be
the typical gap between a lead-
ership convention and a general
election, during which a new par-
ty leader would moderate what-
ever extreme things were said
during a leadership campaign in
order to win the support of the
broader electorate. The oft-used
approach of appealing to the en-
trenched base by indulging in the
narrowest ideological excess
would be a dangerous path for
any candidate to choose. It
would hurt the party intensely in
the coming election.
For Conservatives, this means
many things. Ad hominem at-
tacks on Prime Minister Justin
Trudeau, or questions about his
motivation, may feel good for

some in the base. But the results
of the last election underline
how little wood it chops in the
cities and major population cen-
Questioning the Prime Minis-
ter’s policies and choices is the
legitimate role of the Opposition.
But even that should be accom-
panied by alternate Conservative
proposals: What they espouse,
and why they would be better for
Canada’s future.
Leadership candidates for the
Conservative Party of Canada
will need to showcase real,
thought-out policy directions
with which to identify out of the
starting gate. There’s a reason the
Liberal Party has been the de-
fault choice for Canadians for
most of our history; competence
and policy credibility count.
For Conservative leadership
candidates, the old game of per-
sonality, organization, money
and networks – with as little pol-
icy as possible – is not good
enough. The digital universe is
constantly probing for weakness
and substantive vacuums all the

Many of the self-proclaimed
“organizational pros” often pro-
pose going policy-free, so as not
to offend any potential support-
er, often doing so while launch-
ing treacherous negative person-
al attacks against other leader-
ship candidates, through friends
in the press where possible.
Leadership candidates of char-
acter should and can set these
low-ball tactics aside in favour of
policy courage and a measure of
civility. The Conservative Party
has succeeded electorally when
red Tories, blue Tories, socially
conservative Tories, Quebec-“de-
centralizing” Tories and big-busi-
ness Tories all get to be part of
the family, with no single group
ever allowed to win every argu-
The essential component of
effective Conservative leadership
is managing this diversity be-
cause it reflects large parts of
Canadian society. They need to
inspire hope and trust with bal-
anced new policy priorities for a
plurality of electors and win back
progressives who abandoned the
party when it no longer reflected

their social values. Leaders like
Diefenbaker, Mulroney, Lough-
eed, Davis and Harper did this as
successful first ministers. Leaders
who failed never had a chance.
There is immense need and
room for new ideas and fresh
thinking in a range of areas, in-
cluding fiscal policy, federalism,
equalization, immigration, de-
fence and foreign aid, foreign
policy and reconciliation and
reparations with First Nations.
Conservative leadership candi-
dates should be out front on
these issues with policy ideas
that reflect their views of Canada
and its priorities. Ambition to be-
coming leader and prime minis-
ter is an important part of what
energizes our democracy, but it is
not enough.
Stating clearly why you want
to be prime minister, and what
you would like to change or con-
serve, should be as much of the
needed table stakes for prospec-
tive party leaders as large finan-
cial deposits and a lengthy list of
signed-up supporters. Canadians
deserve no less, and they will re-
member if they get no more.





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