The Age of the Democratic Revolution. A Political History of Europe and America, 1760-1800

(Ben Green) #1



I. G. K. van Hogendorp, Brieven en Gedenkschriften (The Hague, 1876), III, 60– 61.

II. Montesquieu, Esprit des lois, in Oeuvres (Paris, 1826), I, 146– 52.

III. Burke, Writings (Boston, 1901), IV, 175; Paine, Rights of Man, Everyman ed., 59.

IV. B. Lacombe, Résistance janséniste et parlementaire au temps de Louis XV (Paris, 1948), 108;
R. L. de V. d’Argenson, Considérations sur le gouvernement de la France (Amsterdam, 1765), 183.

V. Encyclopedie ou Dictionnaire raisonné (Paris, 1751– 1765), art. “Genève”; Encyclopedia britannica
(Edinburgh, 1797), art. “Geneva.”

VI. Blackstone, Commentaries on the Laws of England (Sharswood ed., Philadelphia, 1868),
I, 160.

VII. J. Sparks, Life of Gouverneur Morris (Boston, 1832), I, 158; M. C. Tyler, Literary History of the
American Revolution (New York, 1897), II, 124– 25; Writings of George Washington (Boston, 1835),
VII, 159– 61.

VIII. C. Rossiter, Seedtime of the Republic (New York, 1953), 408– 9; J. W. Fortescue, Correspon-
dence of King George III (1927– 28), III, 248, 282.

IX. M. J. Chénier, Oeuvres (Paris, 1826), I, 218; V. Alfieri, Rime (Florence, 1933), 308; Berliner
Monatschrift, April 1783, 368– 91; A. Loosjes, Gedenkzuil, ter gelegenheid der vrij- verklaring van
Noord- Amerika (Amsterdam, 1782), 31; A. Radishchev, Izbrannye filosofsfye sochineniia (Moscow,
1949), 435.

X. Correspondence between the Rt. Hon. William Pitt and Charles Duke of Rutland, Lord Lieutenant
of Ireland (London, 1890), 52; Burke, Writings (Boston, 1901), VII, 101.

XI. Adams, Works (Boston, 1851), VIII, 455.

XII. F. Valsecchi, L’assolutismo illuminato in Austria e in Lombardia (Bologna, 1931), I, 128– 29.

XIII. Académie polonaise des sciences, La Pologne au X e congrès international des sciences
historiques à Rome (Warsaw, 1955), 201; C. Desmoulins, Révolutions de France et de Brabant, No.
79 (April 1791), 36– 37.

XIV. Lavisse, Histoire de France (Paris, 1910), IX, 344; Remontrances du Parlement de Paris...
presentées au roi le 4 mai 1788 (Paris, 1788), 6.

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