The Age of the Democratic Revolution. A Political History of Europe and America, 1760-1800

(Ben Green) #1

Excerpts from Legal Documents 805

asterisk were simply deleted, presumably because in 1794 they too much suggested
the principles of the French Revolution.

3. The Swedish Act of Union and Security,

  1. The king is hereditary; he has full powers to govern and defend the realm, de-
    clare war, conclude treaties of peace and alliance with foreign powers; grant par-
    dons, life and restoration of honor and property; dispose at his good pleasure of all
    royal employments, which must be held by Swedes; administer justice and provide
    for execution of the laws. Other affairs of state are conducted in the manner he
    judges most useful.

  2. All subjects enjoy the same rights, under protection of the laws; hence the royal
    high court to which cases are evoked must be composed of both noble and non-
    noble members. Great and small persons must be judged by the legal tribunals.

  3. All orders of the state have the same right to possess and acquire land. The
    equestrian order and the nobility, nevertheless, are confirmed in their ancient priv-
    ilege of allodial possession. Peasants shall also have the right to lease crown lands
    and are guaranteed in their possession.

  4. The high dignities and principal offices of the kingdom, and employments at
    court, are exclusively reserved for the equestrian order and the nobility. Other of-
    fices shall be accessible to all subjects of whatever birth or condition.

  5. The Swedish people have the incontestable right to discuss and reach agree-
    ments with the king on all things concerning subsidies to the state.

  6. In meetings of the diet only matters proposed by the king may be deliberated

  7. The privileges of each order are confirmed in all respects not contrary to the
    present Act of Union and Security.

  8. The present Act of Union and Security will be personally signed by all kings
    of Sweden on their accession to the throne, and no change herein made; and in the
    event of extinction of the dynasty, the Act will bind the new king to be elected.

  9. The form of government of 1772 will be preserved inviolably in all respects
    not changed by the present Act.

Translated from a French text in L. Léouzon Le Duc, Gustave III (Paris, 1861),
367– 69.

4. The Polish Constitution of

In the name of God, etc. we, Stanislas- Augustus, by the grace of God and the will
of the nation, king of Poland, etc.... decree the present constitution....

  1. Religion of the Government. The Catholic, Apostolic and Roman religion is
    and will remain forever the national religion.... However... we assure a free ex-
    ercise of all religions and forms of worship throughout the extent of Poland....

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