The Age of the Democratic Revolution. A Political History of Europe and America, 1760-1800

(Ben Green) #1

830 Index

Dumouriez, Charles- François, 269, 414, 416–
18, 422, 423; defeat of at Neerwinden, 436,

  1. 449; defection of, 426, 437; destiny of,
    423; denunciation of radicalism, 436; dom-
    inant personality of, 427; foreign policy of,
    429; and the occupation of Maastricht,
    435; problems faced by in Belgium and
    Holland, 436; role of in Belgian politics,
    414, 425; use of French soldiers to create a
    Belgian republic for himself, 421. See also
    French National Convention (1792–1795),
    role of the Brissot- Dumouriez group in
    Dundas, Henry, 155, 790
    Dundas, Robert, 723
    Dunning Resolution (1780), 226
    Duphot, Léonard Mathurin, 813
    Dutch East India Company, 253, 468, 508,
    510, 515, 527
    Dutch Patriots, 248n9, 22, 268, 277, 278, 325,
    417, 429, 432, 447, 516; cost to Great Brit-
    ain for the overthrow of, 516n23; opinion
    of Belgium held by, 257; suppression of by
    Prussia, 215, 262, 268
    Dutch Reformed Church, 245, 276, 388, 508
    Dwight, Timothy, 761

Earl of Bute, 113, 125
Earl of Charlemont, 27, 219, 228
Earl of Lansdowne, 464
Earl of Lauderdale, 725
Earl of Malmesbury, 516, 539, 690, 691
Earl of Mornington, 615
Earl of Shelburne, 189, 224, 226, 227, 230
Earl of Stanhope, 727
Eastern Europe, 10, 24, 53, 64, 181, 276, 280,
309–14, 488–90, 503–505; ascendancy of
landowning gentry in, 475–76; class con-
sciousness and revolutionary inclination in,
493; class struggle in, 474, 474n1; condition
of in the 1790s, 474–77; difficulty in defin-
ing as a cultural area, 475; major monar-
chies of, 476. See also Eastern Europe, Diets
Eastern Europe, Diets of, 25–27; in Poland,
Bohemia, and Hungary, 22; provincial diets
(Landtage) in the Hapsburg Empire, 26
Economic Interpretation of the Constitution
(Beard), 171
Eddis, William, 153
Eden, Frederick, 729

Eden, George. See Lord Auckland
Eden, Morton, 537
Eden, William, 156, 728
Edict of 1768 (the “Edict of Pistols”), 103; an-
nulment of, 105
Edict of Pacification (1783), 271
Edinburgh Convention (1792), 569
Egret, Jean, 59
Elliot, Gilbert, 539, 585, 587, 726; on the situ-
ation in Rome, 648; on the union of Ireland
and Great Britain, 743
Elliot, Hugh, 616
Emile (Rousseau), 89, 90, 97
England. See Great Britain/England
English Dissenters, 216, 238–41, 276, 392–94,
537, 713–16, 732, 735, 736, 738
English Legion, 416
English Restoration, 55
Enlightenment, the, 705–6, 777
Erfurt Academy of Sciences, 380, 386
Erskine, Thomas, 529, 541n20, 593, 638, 725,
Esprit des journaux français et étrangers, 249
Essay on Civil Liberty (Price), 244
Essay on Population (Malthus), 733
“Essay on Woman” (Wilkes), 125
estates: councils and estates of the “middle
zone” of Europe, 27–33; revival of Provin-
cial Estates in France, 343–45. See also “or-
Estates General of France (1789), 27, 33, 196,
197, 211, 226, 263, 339–49 passim; meeting
of at Versailles (1789), 349; noble deputies
of, 354; number of lawyers in, 354; number
of merchants and businessmen in, 354;
total number of deputies in, 354
Estates General of the Netherlands, 31
Estensore Cisalpina, 605
Esterhazy, Valentin, 279, 381, 382, 440
Eudämonia, 703, 707
Eudämonists, 688, 707, 730
Europe, 106, 107, 110, 116, 383; “aristocratic
resurgence” in, 172; “Cisalpinization” of,
568; complexity of society in the eighteenth
century, 52; differences between the United
States and, 756–57; the European Coali-
tion and war with France, 767; intermar-
riage among the upper classes of, 475; peri-
odicals in, 181; republicanization of, 539;
view of the French Revolution in, 746. See
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