The Age of the Democratic Revolution. A Political History of Europe and America, 1760-1800

(Ben Green) #1

832 Index

France (cont.)
propaganda of the philosophes in, 333; Pro-
vincial Estates and Parlements of, 33, 35,
333, 338; recognition of American inde-
pendence by, 186; republicanism in, 186;
return of émigrés to after the French Revo-
lution, 141; revenue of, 313, 326; Second
Estate of, 33; and the “sister” republics, 425,
618, 738; size of, 326; success of French
military operations in Europe, 417; Third
Estate of, 24, 33, 34, 40, 57, 212, 240, 263,
266, 339, 340–46 passim; under the Direc-
tory, 16; view in of American state and fed-
eral constitutions, 188; war of with En-
gland and Holland, 385, 386, 413. See also
France, quasi-revolution in (1763–1774);
French Revolution
France, quasi revolution in (1763–1774), 65–75
passim; abolishment of the parlements by
Louis XV, 73–74; criticism of the corrup-
tion in the Bourbon monarchy, 66; debates
over the authority of the king, 68; Dechris-
tianization in, 145; and the irresponsibility
of the government, 51, 61, 66; and the
“parlement- in- general” theory, 71; and the
reply of Louis XV to the parlements de-
fending absolutism, 75; role of the Assem-
bly of the Clergy in, 69–70; role of the Par-
lement of Paris in, 69–71, 74, 75, 79; and
the royal enactments (tax decrees) of 1763,
68, 69; and the withholding of information
to the public, 60
Francis II (Holy Roman Emperor), 379, 380,
490, 495–98, 503, 656, 706
Frankfurt, 30–31, 259; division of the popula-
tion into five estates (Stande), 31
Franklin, Benjamin, 117, 188, 189, 201, 202,
205, 276; criticism of the Society of the
Cincinnati, 203; as a member of the French
Academy of Sciences, 187; as a propagan-
dist, 179, 184, 186–87; and Voltaire, 187
Franklin, William, 151
Frederick William I (king of Prussia), 27
Frederick William II (“Frederick the Great”
[king of Prussia]), 54, 186, 200, 253, 305,
388, 515, 690
Frederick William III (king of Prussia), 690
Free Corps, 249–54; Assembly of Free Corps,
Freemasonry/Freemasons, 282, 314, 415, 449,

478, 479, 492, 496, 561, 563, 49, 671, 706,
707; in Germany, 687–88; spread of in
Russia, 479, 481
French Academy at Rome, 648, 649
French Constitution, 362–72 passim, 363n14;
Constitution of the Year I (1793), 456, 532,
550, 565–66, 630, 758; Constitution of the
Year III (1795), 532, 533, 57, 566, 582; and
the creation of the bicameral legislative
body (Council of Elders and Council of
Five Hundred), 786
French Directory, 16, 533–36, 590, 610–17,
693n19; after Thermidor, 531–33; alien-
ation of French generals by, 778; annexa-
tion of Geneva by, 666–69; between the ex-
tremes of communism and democracy,
544–54 passim, 547n5; between the ex-
tremes of the royalty and the clergy, 554–63
passim; conservatism in, 654; conspiracy of
against Baden and Württemberg, 666; as a
constitutional republican government, 612;
and the coup d’état of Floréal against the
democrats, 566, 567, 612, 646 ; and the
coup d’état of Fructidor against the royal-
ists, 523, 535, 563–67; domestic policy of,
777; Executive Directory of, 533, 564, 594,
604, 674n11; “first” Directory, 535; and
French émigré moderates, 652; generals of
as international revolutionists against
(1792–1794), 548; inability of to form
broad policy initiatives, 534; and the Irish
revolution, 739–40; as a moderate regime,
776; political weakness of, 536; pressure on
Switzerland to form an army of its own,
681; “second” Directory, 535; see- saw policy
of (la politique de la bascule), 535; support of
Poland by, 539; and the Swiss revolutionar-
ies, 645; treaty of with Spain, 536; view of
the Jay Treaty, 765
French Louisiana, 571, 22, 751, 752
French National Assembly (1789), 57, 103,
161, 223, 263, 301, 356, 358, 363, 364;
abolishment of feudalism by, 371; abolish-
ment of tithes and pluralism in church ap-
pointments by, 360; bestowing of honorary
French citizenship on foreigners by, 415;
inability of to pacify the peasants during
the French Revolution, 351; proposed divi-
sion of, 266
French National Convention (1792–1795),
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