Gödel, Escher, Bach An Eternal Golden Braid by Douglas R. Hofstadter

(Dana P.) #1
FIGURE 25. Cretan Labyrinth (Italian engraving; School of Finiguerra). [From W. H.
Matthews, Mazes and Labyrinths: Their History and Development (New York: Dover Publica-
tions, 1970).]
Tortoise: Labyrinth? Labyrinth? Could it be?
Are we in the notorious Little Harmonic
Labyrinth of the dreaded Majotaur?
Achilles: Yiikes! What is that?
Tortoise: They say-although I personally
never believed it myself-that an Evil
Majotaur has created a tiny labyrinth and
sits in a pit in the middle of it, waiting for
innocent victims to get lost in its fearsome
complexity. Then, when they wander lost
and dazed into the center, he laughs and
laughs at them-so hard, that he laughs
them to death!
Achilles: Oh, no!
Tortoise: But it's only a myth. Courage, Achil-
(And the dauntless pair trudge on.)
Achilles: Feel these walls. They're like corru-
gated tin sheets, or something. But the cor-
rugations have different sizes.

Little Harmonic Labyrinth 119

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