Gödel, Escher, Bach An Eternal Golden Braid by Douglas R. Hofstadter

(Dana P.) #1
characters in the movie-there is no carry-over from the real world into the
fantasy world, in movies. But in the Propositional Calculus, there is a
carry-over from the real world into the fantasies; there is even carry-over
from a fantasy to fantasies inside it. This is formalized by the following

CARRY-OVER RULE: Inside a fantasy, any theorem from the "reality" one
level higher can be brought in and used.

It is as if a "No Smoking" sign in a theater applied not only to all the
moviegoers, but also to all the actors in the movie, and, by repetition of the
same idea, to anyone inside multiply nested movies! (Warning: There is no
carry-over in the reverse direction: theorems inside fantasies cannot be
exported to the exterior! If it weren't for this fact, you could write anything
as the first line of a fantasy, and then lift it out into the real world as a
To show how carry-over works, and to show how the fantasy rule can
be used recursively, we present the following derivation:








premise of outer fantasy
push again
premise of inner fantasy
carry-over of P into inner fantasy
pop out of inner fantasy, regain outer fantasy
fantasy rule
pop out of outer fantasy, reach real world!
fantasy rule

Note that I've indented the outer fantasy once, and the inner fantasy
twice, to emphasize the nature of these nested "levels of reality". One way
to look at the fantasy rule is to say that an observation made about the
system is inserted into the system. Namely, the theorem < x:::> y> which gets
produced can be thought of as a representation inside the system of the
statement about the system "If x is a theorem, then y is too". To be more
specific, the intended interpretation for <P:::>Q> is "if P, then Q", or
equivalently, "P implies Q".

The Converse of the Fantasy Rule

Now Lewis Carroll's Dialogue was all about "if-then" statements. In particu-
lar, Achilles had a lot of trouble in persuading the Tortoise to accept the
second clause of an "if-then" statement, even when the "if-then" statement
itself was accepted, as well as its first clause. The next rule allows you to
infer the second "clause" of a ':::>'-string, provided that the ':::>' -string itself is
a theorem, and that its first "clause" is also a theorem.

The Propositional Calculus 185

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