A Critical Introduction to Psychology

(Tuis.) #1

76 Nick Atlas

you may listen to it without distraction. The words and accompanying
embodiment should be read slowly and patiently with a meditative attitude,
so that the instructions are felt in the body, rather than conceived solely at a
rational/intellectual level. You may practice while sitting, standing,
walking, or lying down, but make sure you are not operating heavy
machinery, driving a car, etc. The practice begins:

“Open your senses wide to receive. Engage your sense of sound,
without any strain. Feel the sensation of you ear canals, and the sound
vibrations traveling through them... Your sense of sight, and the
sensation of your eyes, even if they are closed. Engage your faculty of
vision... Your sense of smell, and the sensation of air gently caressing
your nasal passageways... The gentle rise and fall of your belly... Your
sense of taste, and the sensation of your tongue... and your sense of
touch, the air against your skin, and the feeling of your body against the
surfaces that are supporting it... All five senses wide open. Feel your
whole body alive with sensation, without any effort. [Pause momentarily
before proceeding.]

“Imagine a relaxing sensation welling up beneath the soles of your
feet, pervading your toes... soles and tops of your feet... your heels,
ankles... calves and shins... knees, in back and in front... thighs...
hips... and hip sockets... Imagine feeling into the marrows of your
bones, the very centers of your bones, everything soft and slack.
Welcome the sensation of your entire right leg... your left leg... and feel
both legs completely released and relaxed, as if separate from the rest of
your body. [Pause momentarily before proceeding.]

“Welcome sensation in the tips of your fingers... traveling upward
through your palms and backs of your hands... softening your wrists...
forearms... elbows... upper arms and shoulders... relax your shoulder
sockets... soften the marrows of your bones... everything soft and
heavy... both arms soft and slack, as if separate from the rest of your
body. [Extended pause.]

“Feel your pelvis... the weight of your pelvis... welcome sensation
in your root... groin... tailbone and sacrum... the base of your spine...
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