Invitation to Psychology

(Barry) #1

132 Chapter 4 Neurons, Hormones, and the Brain

poor definitions of the behavior being studied,
and inappropriate interpretations of results. For
example, the enthusiasm for technology has gen-
erated the widespread belief that specific “brain
centers” or “critical circuits” explain why you
prefer Coke to Pepsi, why you identify as a lib-
eral or conservative, or what your brain is doing
when you are in love. These beliefs are appealing
because they seem to explain complicated behav-
ior in simple terms (Beck, 2010). But attempts to
reduce complex behavior to single locations will
almost certainly fail (Gonsalves & Cohen, 2010;
Tallis, 2011; Uttal, 2011). At present, technology
is better at telling us where things happen than
why or how they happen. So if you know that one
part of the brain is activated when you are think-
ing hot thoughts of your beloved, what exactly do
you know about love—or your brain? Does that
part also light up when you are looking at other
things that you love, such as a luscious hot fudge
sundae, or thinking about happily riding your
horse Horace through the hills? Do other parts
become active, too? As neuroscientist Raymond
Tallis (2011) noted, love is not a single state, like
being cold; it includes many emotions, from desire
to jealousy to quiet contentment, and sometimes
several conflicting emotions at the same time.
Nonetheless, when used appropriately, these
measures do provide an illuminating look at the
brain during work and play, and we will be report-
ing many findings based on brain scan research
throughout this book. The brain can no lon-
ger hide from researchers behind the fortress of
the skull.

Moreover, research using fMRI has some-
times suffered from questionable statistical
procedures that have produced highly inflated
correlations between brain activity and measures
of personality and emotion (Vul et al., 2009).
Yet the media usually
report these findings
uncritically, giving
the impression that
scientists know more
about the relation-
ship between the
brain and psycho-
logical processes than they really do (McCabe &
Castell, 2008).
To illustrate this point, a clever group of scien-
tists did an fMRI on a dead salmon (yes, you read
that right) while asking it to view emotional images
and determine what emotions the person in each
photo was feeling (Bennett et al., 2010). You’re
probably wondering why the fMRI would detect any
brain activity in a dead salmon, but it did. The scan
appeared to show that the salmon was “thinking”
about the pictures and the people in them. That was
because fMRI produces a mix of signal and noise;
picking up the signal is like trying to track a conver-
sation in a crowded bar. Scientists must use sophis-
ticated techniques to filter out the noise and reveal
the true signal, and if they don’t know what they are
doing, they can make errors. In this case, the result
is funny, but in real life, too, we may not know if the
result is real ... or another dead salmon.
The problem is not with technology per se
so much as it is with faulty analyses or theories,

About Brain-Scan


Recite & Review

Recite: You know the drill: Tell someone or something everything you can recall about transcranial
magnetic stimulation (TMS), transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), EEGs, PET scans, MRI,
fMRI, and ... the dead salmon.
Review: Next, go back and read this section again.

Now take this Quick Quiz:

  1. What two methods can be used to temporarily disrupt neural activity in an area of the brain?

  2. What does fMRI tells us that ordinary MRI does not?

  3. A researcher scans the brains of gum-chewing volunteers, finds out which part of their brains
    is most active, and announces the discovery of the brain’s “gum-chewing center.” What’s
    wrong with this conclusion?

Study and Review at mypsychlab

An fMRI allows us to associate brain activity with specific thoughts or behaviors lasting at least several 2. TMS and tDCS.1.

Many actions and sensations are involved in chewing gum, 3. seconds, instead of just picturing the brain at a moment in time.

such as the chewing motion, enjoyment of the flavors, and salivation. A brain scan may tell us where things are happening but

not why or how they are happening. The same areas might also become active when you chew a piece of asparagus. Finally,

even if there were a gum-chewing center (there isn’t!), yours might not be in the same place as someone else’s. Brains vary, a

fact that may be lost when a researcher averages the results of all the brain scans in his or her study.
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