Invitation to Psychology

(Barry) #1
ChapTER 5 Body Rhythms and Mental States 155

the time in London if you know the time in New
York. But when your normal routine changes,
your circadian rhythms may be thrown out of
phase. Such internal desynchronization often occurs
when people take airplane flights across several
time zones. Sleep and wake patterns usually adjust
quickly, but temperature and hormone cycles can
take several days to return to normal. The result-
ing jet lag affects energy level, mental skills, and
motor coordination (Sack, 2010).
Internal desynchronization also occurs when
workers must adjust to a new shift. Efficiency
drops, the person feels tired and irritable, acci-
dents become more likely, and sleep disturbances
and digestive disorders may occur. For police
officers, first responders, airline pilots, truck driv-
ers, and operators of nuclear power plants, the
consequences can be a matter of life and death.
Night work itself is not necessarily a problem:
With a schedule that always stays the same, even
on weekends, people often adapt. However, many
swing- and night-shift assignments are made on
a rotating basis, so a worker’s circadian rhythms
never have a chance to resynchronize.
Some scientists hope eventually to help rotat-
ing-shift workers adjust more quickly by using
melatonin, drugs, or other techniques to “reset
the clock,” but so far these methods do not seem
ready for prime time. Giving shift workers mela-
tonin sometimes helps and sometimes does not;
stimulant drugs can improve attention but don’t
eliminate physical fatigue; and many employers
dislike the idea of paying people to take short naps
on the job, even though that would make their
workers more alert (Kolla & Auger, 2011). When
a pilot in Nevada was unable to contact a napping
air traffic controller at 2 a.m., scientists butted
heads with government officials about who was to

internal desynchroni-
zation A state in which
biological rhythms are
not in phase with one

The Body’s Clock. Circadian rhythms are con-
trolled by a biological clock, or overall coor-
dinator, located in a tiny cluster of cells in the
hypothalamus called the suprachiasmatic nucleus
(SCN). Neural pathways from special receptors in
the back of the eye transmit information to the
SCN and allow it to respond to changes in light
and dark. The SCN then sends out messages
that cause the brain and body to adapt to these
changes. Other clocks also exist, scattered around
the body, but for most circadian rhythms the SCN
is regarded as the master pacemaker.
The SCN regulates fluctuating levels of hor-
mones and neurotransmitters, and they in turn
provide feedback that affects the SCN’s func-
tioning. During the dark hours, one hormone
regulated by the SCN, melatonin, is secreted by
the pineal gland, deep within the brain. Melatonin
induces sleep. When you go to bed in a darkened
room, your melatonin level rises; when light fills
your room in the morning, it falls. Melatonin, in
turn, appears to help keep the biological clock in
phase with the light–dark cycle (Haimov & Lavie,
1996; Lewy et al., 1992).




(e.g., melatonin)

Melatonin treatments have been used to reg-
ulate the disturbed sleep–wake cycles of blind
people who lack light perception and whose mela-
tonin production does not cycle normally (Sack &
Lewy, 1997).

When the Clock Is Out of Sync. Under
normal conditions, the rhythms governed by the
SCN are in phase with one another. Their peaks
may occur at different times, but if you know
when one rhythm peaks, you can predict fairly
well when another will. It’s a little like knowing

suprachiasmatic [soo-
nucleus (SCN) An area
in the hypothalamus of
the brain containing a
biological clock that gov-
erns circadian rhythms.

melatonin A hormone
secreted by the pineal
gland; it is involved in
the regulation of circa-
dian rhythms.

Travel can be exhausting, and jet lag makes it worse.

Sidney Harris/
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