Invitation to Psychology

(Barry) #1
ChaPteR 8 Memory 303

memory 269
memory 271
source misattribution 271
flashbulb memories 271
confabulation 271
imagination inflation 271
leading questions 273
explicit memory 276
recall 276
recognition 276

implicit memory 277
priming 277
relearning method 277
models 277

encoding, storage, and
retrieval 278
cognitive schemas 278
three-box model 278
parallel distributed processing
(PDP) model 279
sensory register 279
short-term memory
(STM) 280
chunks 280
working memory 281
long-term memory (LTM) 281
semantic categories 281
tip-of-the-tongue (TOT)
state 282
procedural memories 283

declarative memories 283
semantic memories 283
episodic memories 283
serial-position effect 284
primacy and recency
effects 284
long-term potentiation 285
consolidation 285
mnemonics 288
effortful versus automatic
encoding 288
maintenance rehearsal 289
elaborative rehearsal 289
deep processing 290
shallow processing 290
retrieval practice 290

read-recite-review strategy 290
decay theory 292
retroactive interference 293
proactive interference 294
retrieval cues 294
cue-dependent forgetting 294
déjà vu 294
state-dependent memory 294
mood-congruent memory 294
amnesia 295
psychogenic amnesia 295
traumatic amnesia 295
repression 295
childhood (infantile)
amnesia 297
narratives 298

Key Terms

Answers to the Get Involved exercises on pages 277 and 278: Rudolph’s eight friends were Dasher,
Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner (“Donder” in some versions), and Blitzen.

Answer to the Get Involved exercise on page 289: The real penny is the left one in the bottom row.

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