BBC Science Focus - 03.2020

(Romina) #1

Alexa how often

do you listen in?

Everwondered how many times
your smart speaker accidently
activates in a day? Researchers
from Northeastern University did
too, and here’s what they found...

Voice assistants like
Amazon Alexa, Google
Assistant, Apple’s Siri
and Microsoft’s Cortana
accidentally wake up
and start recording
what they hear up to
19 times a day.
Anyone who’s used a
digital assistant knows
they have a habit of
‘waking up’ – making
a sound or lighting
up to indicate they’re
listening – when they shouldn’t. The
systems are listening out for key phrases,
or ‘wake words’ like “Hey Google” or “Siri”,
before they turn on and start recording
in anticipation of a voice query. But these
digital eager beavers often jump the gun
mistaking the word “seriously” for “Siri”,

for example, as an invitation to listen in.
The Mon(IoT)r research group at
Northeastern University in Boston, USA,
are dedicated to investigating what privacy
risks might arise from inviting more and
more connected devices into our homes.
They wondered how many times a day
these misfires happened. To find out,
they put a bunch of smart home speakers
in a room together to watch 125 hours of
dialogue-heavy Netflix content, including
Gilmore Girls,Grey’s Anatomyand theWest
Wing. Some people get all the good jobs.
They discovered that the average rate
of activations per device was between 1.5
and 19 times per day. No smart speaker
was found to be consistently recording
conversations, but they did wake up for
short intervals at inconsistent times. In
other words, when the experiment was
repeated (12 times) the same phrases didn’t
always wake up the speaker. Once on, the
devices would typically record at least the
next six seconds of conversation, though
some assistants record more.
So the good news is that the assistants
seem to be making honest mistakes, but
the bad news is that in some cases they
can be recording up to 19 times per day,
without meaning to. In further research
the team wants to investigate how much
of this data is being sent to the cloud,
whether these accidental recordings are
reported accurately, and whether there
are any other factors at play.

Smartspeakers have
been found to wake up
and accidentally record
up to 19 times per day








The e-krona is coming. It’s
something of a landmark
moment. Sweden’s
Riksbank says it’s begun
testing what could become
the world’s first central
bank digital currency. It will
be a year-long pilot using
technology inspired by the
blockchains that power
Sweden is nearly cashless.
If you ever visit the country,
the first thing you ought to
do is download Swish. It’s a
mobile app that facilitates
payments between people
and vendors, and its wide
adoption has left the
country’s central bank
playing catch up. They fear
that if left to the private
sector, payment
infrastructure might not be
built with the best interests
of the public in mind.
The one-year pilot will run
in an ‘isolated test
environment’. If successful,
the bank will follow up with
a public consultation to
address any concerns
around a cashless future.


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