The study of Chen et al. demonstrates
the challenge of identifying microproteins
by evolutionary conservation. Many short
ORFs that encode conserved peptides, in-
cluding some lncRNA ORFs identified by
Chen et al., have indeed been annotated
as such in some databases. However, most
microproteins found to be important for
cell growth do not show strong evolution-
ary conservation of their amino acid se-
quences, as canonical proteins typically do.
Perhaps not all the ORFs that regulate cell
growth in vitro would have similar impact
on organismal fitness ( 13 ). Nevertheless,
extrapolating from this study, many more
interesting peptides encoded by noncanon-
ical ORFs must exist and regulate far more
biological processes than currently known.
Their frequent usage of non-AUG start co-
dons may allow for translational control
that is distinct from canonical ORFs.
Noncanonical translation has been
linked to a variety of neurological diseases
caused by the expansion of short tandem
repeats in the genome ( 14 ). For example,
expanded GGC repeats within the 5 9 UTR
of human fragile X mental retardation 1
(FMR1) mRNA is translated into polygly-
cine by a uORF-like mechanism ( 15 ). It is
unclear whether most repeat-associated
non-AUG translation occurs this way.
However, the pervasive translation of cy-
tosolic RNAs and the widespread usage of
alternative initiation codons in producing
physiologically functional peptides pro-
vide a parsimonious explanation for the
pathological translation events in noncod-
ing regions. j
- I. Ulitsky, D. P. Bartel, Cell 154 , 26 (2013).
- A. A. Bazzini et al., EMBO J. 33 , 981 (2014).
- N. T. Ingolia et al., Cell Rep. 8 , 1365 (2014).
- Z. Ji, R. Song, A. Regev, K. Struhl, eLife 4 , e08890 (2015).
- D. M. Anderson et al., Cell 160 , 595 (2015).
- T. Kondo et al., Nat. Cell Biol. 9 , 660 (2007).
- A. Pauli et al., Science 343 , 1248636 (2014).
- E. G. Magny et al., Science 341 , 1116 (2013).
- S. R. Starck et al., Science 351 , aad3867 (2016).
- J. Chen et al., Science 367 , 1140 (2020).
- M. Guttman, P. Russell, N. T. Ingolia, J. S. Weissman, E. S.
Lander, Cell 154 , 240 (2013). - T. G. Johnstone, A. A. Bazzini, A. J. Giraldez, EMBO J. 35 ,
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(2017). - M. G. Kearse et al., Mol. Cell 62 , 314 (2016).
We thank A. Giraldez, I. Ulitsky, N. DeRuiter, and other
members of the Guo lab for comments. J.U.G. is a NARSAD
Young Investigator and a Klingenstein-Simons Fellow in
Neuroscience. Our work is supported by the Yale Scholar in
Neuroscience Fund, the Ludwig Family Foundation, an NIH
New Innovator Award (DP2 GM132930), and the Muscular
Dystrophy Association (MDA602934).
Rings rule three-dimensional
active matter
Dynamical defect networks are imaged in viral-particle
liquid crystals driven by biomotors
By Denis Bartolo
e are active matter, in that we move
and deform on our own without
resorting to external forces. Dur-
ing the past 10 years, fluids and
soft solids have been turned into
active matter animated by spon-
taneous flows and deformations, usually
by seeding a fluid with self-propelled units
that convert chemical or electric energy into
directed motion. Animated by spontaneous
flows and deformations driven from within,
active fluids are usually powered by dispers-
ing active particles that
self-assemble into coherent
dynamical structures. Ac-
tive materials—including
polymer gels, liquid emul-
sions, or colloidal suspen-
sions with mesmerizing
emergent dynamics ( 1 – 3 )—
have been mostly limited
to two-dimensional (2D)
materials. However, thin
films are unlikely to host
more than a small fraction
of the full complexity of ac-
tive matter. On page 1120 of
this issue, Duclos et al. ( 4 )
report the synthesis and
the observation of 3D ac-
tive liquid crystals (see the
image) and elucidate the
elementary excitations re-
sponsible for their complex inner dynamics.
Nematic liquid crystals are formed of
elongated molecules or colloidal particles
that fluctuate in their orientation, but on av-
erage, all locally point along the same direc-
tion, described as the director. In ordinary
passive nematics, shear deformations are
unhindered as in normal fluids, but bend-
ing deformations are suppressed by elastic
stresses in favor of homogeneously aligned
states (see the figure, top). In stark contrast,
when a nematic includes active components
that power internal stresses that distort the
fluid, the smallest bending deformations can
be exponentially amplified (see the figure,
top). This generic instability yields unsteady
bulk flows casually termed “active turbu-
lence” ( 5 ). Unlike turbulence in normal flu-
ids, the chaotic flows of active nematics are
devoid of self-similar structures (ones that
repeat identically at all scales). The flows
originate from the formation and disappear-
ance of vortices that have a well-defined size
set by the competition between active and
elastic stresses.
The spatial structure of 2D chaotic vor-
tices is easily inferred from a static picture
of the nematic director that defines its local
orientation. In 2D active
nematic films, each vortex
is centered on pointwise
singularities of the director
sketched in the figure, top.
Nematic defects are a sig-
nal of a finite local wind-
ing of the director field
and interact at a distance,
much like electric charges.
Topological charge being a
conserved quantity, no net
charge can develop in a
defect-free nematic, and in
two dimensions, no smooth
deformation can morph a
+½ into a –½ charge. This
topological constraint im-
plies that active stresses
can only nucleate pairs of
oppositely charged defects
in response to bending instabilities, and in
two dimensions (see the figure, top).
The mapping of the unsteady and hetero-
geneous flows of active nematics on the mo-
tion of interacting charged particles was the
key to understanding 2D active turbulence.
However, in 3D liquid crystals, the nature
of the fundamental excitations is drastically
different ( 6 ). The director field in 3D nemat-
ics can host spatially extended topological
excitations in the form of disclination lines
and loops. Although these singularities were
vastly explored in passive systems, they re-
mained out of reach of active matter until
the study of Duclos et al., who assembled
liquid crystals from micrometer-long fila-
mentous bacteriophage viruses instead of
Laboratoire de Physique, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon,
Université de Lyon, France. Email: [email protected]
The active 3D nematic was imaged
with wide-field fluorescent microscopy.
6 MARCH 2020 • VOL 367 ISSUE 6482 1075
Published by AAAS