The Ten Lost Tribes. A World History - Zvi Ben-Dor Benite

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  1. Bloch,The Past Keeps Changing, 32.
    41 .History of Johnson County, Iowa, 275.

  2. Anxiety andnotmemory.

  3. Yet the theological significance of the story of the lost tribes is mostly missing
    from the few analytical studies touching on the subject. See Kirsch, “Lost Tribes”;
    Lyman, “Lost Tribes of Israel”; and Lyman, “Postmodernism.”

  4. For a survey of all prophecies, see Neubauer, “Where Are the Ten
    Tribes?” I.

  5. Hine,Forty-Seven Identifications( 1871 ), 4.

  6. Haga,Sefer Ha-Berit Ha-Hadash, 1.

  7. Simon,Hope of Israel, 364.

  8. Yuval, “Myth of the Jewish Exile.”

  9. Ibid., 27.

  10. Ibid., 33.

  11. Ibid., 27.

  12. Rutherford,Israel-Britain, 5.

  13. Popkin, “Age of Reason.”

  14. See Idel,Messianic Mystics, 60 – 65 ; Schwartz,Faith at the Crossroads, 161.

  15. Lyman, “Lost Tribes of Israel,” 159.

  16. Raz-Krakotzkin, “Galut be-toch Ribonut”; Raz-Krakotzkin, “A National Colo-
    nial Theology.”

  17. Ramaswamy,Lost Land of Lemuria, 18.

  18. Ibid., 1 – 2.

  19. Ibid., 7. In this, she follows George Bataille, who said that “sacred things are
    constituted through an operation of loss.”
    60 .Ramaswamy,Lost Land of Lemuria, 8.

  20. Wauchope,Lost Tribes, 6.

  21. See

  22. “Fabulous geography” is a term she borrows from Joseph Conrad. Ramas-
    wamy,Lost Land of Lemuria, 14.

  23. Rusconi, “Introduction,” in Columbus,Book of Prophecies, 26.

  24. Eliade,Sacred and Profane, 20.

  25. Wright, “Terrae Incognitae,” 12.

  26. Glacken,Traces, 35. See also Park’s complaint in “Religion and Geography,”

  27. May,Kant’s Concept of Geography.

  28. Park,Sacred Worlds, 11.

  29. Shalev, “Sacred Geography.” For instance, sacred geographers had a great of
    deal of interest in the location of the land of Ophir, which is mentioned in the Bible
    ( 1 Kings 9 – 10 ) as the source of the gold for Solomon’s projects. Shalev, “Sacred
    Geography,” 16 – 23.

  30. Cited in Shalev, “Geographia Sacra,” 182.

  31. Haga,Sefer Ha-Berit Ha-Hadash, 1.

  32. Rabbi Juda Loew of Prague,Netzah Israel, 34 , 68 – 71.

NOTES TO PAGES 14 – 26 229

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