The Ten Lost Tribes. A World History - Zvi Ben-Dor Benite

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  1. See Olive,The Lost Tribes.

  2. Brothers,Revealed Knowledge;Bar-Yosef,Holy Land, 51 – 60 ; Roth,Nephew of the

  3. See, for example, Festinger,When Prophecy Fails.

  4. On Anglo-Israelism and race, see Kidd,Forging of Races, 203 – 218 ; Reisenauer,

  5. Baron,History of the Ten “Lost” Tribes, 7.

  6. Bar-Yosef,Holy Land, 54 – 55.

  7. Ibid., 45.

  8. Ibid., 182 – 246. Given the huge body of Anglo-Israelist literature, I focus only
    on those aspects associated directly with debates about the significance of the ten lost

  9. Brothers, “Farther Elucidation,” 23 It is important to remember, though, that
    ideas about Britain as a “Chosen Nation,” had been in circulation in England during
    the seventeenth century. See Hill,English Bible, 264 – 270.

  10. Brothers, “Farther Elucidation,” 24.

  11. Ibid., 26.

  12. Brothers,Revealed Knowledge, 48.

  13. Basnage,History of the Jews, vi.

  14. See Fletcher,Of the Rus Commonwealth. See also Cogely, “Some Other Kinde
    of Being.”

  15. See the detailed history of this treatise in Cogley, “Most Vile and Barbarous

  16. Fletcher, “The Tartars,” in Fletcher and Lee,Israel Redux, 2 – 3.
    94 .Cogley, “Most Vile and Barbarous Nation,” 807.

  17. Farley,Scandinavian Influences, 5.

  18. Hultkrantz, “Swedish Research.” See also Rudbeck,Book of Birds.

  19. Ekman, “Gothic Patriotism,” 57.

  20. Kidd,Forging of Races, 172.

  21. Olender,Languages of Paradise, 1 – 6.

  22. On Rudbeck Sr., see King,Finding Atlantis, 4.

  23. On Rudbeck Sr. and Christina, see ibid., 12 – 13 , 20 – 21. On Ben-Israel and
    Christina, see Katz, “Menasseh ben Israel’s Mission.” On the queen, see Buckley,

  24. Olender,Languages of Paradise, 2.

  25. Ekman, “Gothic Patriotism,” 60 – 62.

  26. Rudbeck,Specimen Usus Linguae Gothicae, 83.

  27. Ibid., 83 – 84.

  28. Rudbeck, “Of the Origin of the Estonians, Finns, and Laplanders.”

  29. Pringle,Master Plan.

  30. Oxonian,Israel’s Wanderings, 3.

  31. Burr,Anglo-Saxon Riddle.

  32. Baron,History of the Ten “Lost” Tribes, 9. For an example, see Pritchett,
    Enduring Empire of the British.

NOTES TO PAGES 187 – 193 251

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