The Ten Lost Tribes. A World History - Zvi Ben-Dor Benite

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  1. On Aescoly in this regard, see Gries, “Messiah Scribe.”

  2. Already in 1934 , Faitlovitch had appealed to some leaders of the Zionist
    movement that Ethiopians be included in the Zionist project—a suggestion rejected
    because “the Ethiopians are Cushites [blacks] who converted to Judaism in the sixth

  3. Emanuel,Sefer Mewaser Weomer, 1 – 9 (English section).

  4. Emanuel, “Introduction,” in ibid., n.p.

  5. Hurwitz,Sefer Kol Mevaser.

  6. Emanuel,Sefer Mewaser Weomer, 6 (Hebrew section).

  7. Cited in Hurwitz,Sefer Kol Mevaser, 1.

  8. Committee for Immigration, Absorption, and the Diaspora, Israeli Knesset,
    Protocol No. 36 , January 11 , 2000.

  9. Halkin,Across the Sabbath River.

  10. For Avichail’s general travels, seeLost Tribes in Assyria;Avichail,Shivte Yisrael;
    Avichail,The Tribes of Israel. On Menasseh in India, see Avichail,Shinlung fate—Shevet
    Menashe. On Rabbi Kook, see Avichail,Avne Derekh.

  11. Vail,Me-‘Ever La-Sambatyon;Weil, “Lost Israelites.”

  12. Hason, “Shevet Avud.”

  13. Livneh, “Coming Home.”

  14. Ringelblum,Ksovim fun geto, 44.

NOTES TO PAGES 220 – 226 255

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