The Ten Lost Tribes. A World History - Zvi Ben-Dor Benite

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Thorowgood, Thomas.Iewes in America; or, Probabilities That the Americans Are of That
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Thorowgood, Thomas, John Dury, and Manasseh ben Israel.Digitus Dei: New
Discoveryes with Sure Arguments to Prove That the Jews (a Nation) or People Lost in the
World for the Space of Near 200 Years, Inhabite Now in America; How They Came
Thither; Their Manners, Customs, Rites and Ceremonies; the Unparallel’d Cruelty of the
Spaniard to Them; and That the Americans Are of That Race. Manifested by Reason and
Scripture, Which Foretell the Calling of the Jewes; and the Restitution of Them into Their
Own Land, and the Bringing Back of the Ten Tribes from All the Ends and Corners of the
Earth, and That Great Battell to Be Fought. With the Removall of Some Contrary
Reasonings, and an Earnest Desire for Effectuall Endeavours to Make Them Christians.
Whereunto Is Added an Epistolicall Discourse of Mr. John Dury, with the History of Ant.
Monterinos, Attested by Manasseh Ben Israell, a Chief Rabby. By Tho. Thorowgood,
B.D. London: Thomas Slater, 1652.
Thorowgood, Thomas, and John Eliot.Iews in America; or, Probabilities, That Those
Indians Are Judaical, Made More Probable by Some Additionals to the Former
Conjectures. An Accurate Discourse Is Premised of Mr. John Elliot, (Who First Preached
the Gospel to the Natives in Their Own Language) Touching Their Origination, and His
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Ullendorff, Edward, and C. F. Beckingham.The Hebrew Letters of Prester John. Oxford:
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Urban, Sylvanus.The Gentleman’s Magazine and Historical Review( 1857 January–June).
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Vail, Shalvah.Me-’Ever La-Sambatyon: Ha-Mitos shel ‘Aseret Ha-Shevatim Ha-Avudim
(Beyond the Sambatyon: The Myth of the Ten Lost Tribes). Tel Aviv: Bet haTefutsot,
Vanderhooft, David Stephen.The Neo-Babylonian Empires and Babylon in the Latter
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