Science - 06.12.2019

(singke) #1



spectrum of cargo proteins and cargo
recognition is profoundly affected by
the length of the cargo’s TM domains
rather than by a specific amino acid
sequence motif (or motifs) ( 4 ).
In this context, it came as a sur-
prise that in mammals, two of the
four cornichon homologs, CNIH2
and CNIH3, are specialized toward
AMPARs, the most abundant ex-
citatory neurotransmitter receptor
in the brain, by recognizing the
pore-forming GluA1–4 subunits
as exclusive “cargo” or interaction
partners ( 5 ). However, the CNIH2-
GluA and CNIH3-GluA interac-
tions differ from the CNIH1-cargo
interaction in two characteris-
tic ways. One is that CNIH2 and
CNIH3 can only bind to their cargo
in the ER after GluAs have been as-
sembled into tetramers, which, in
neurons, requires an ER-based as-
sembly machinery ( 6 ). Another is
that CNIH2 and CNIH3 do not re-
lease their cargo, but rather remain
tightly associated and travel with
the AMPARs to the plasma mem-
brane, where they have been found
in both synapses and extrasynaptic
sites ( 7 – 9 ) (see the figure).
Thus, in addition to their role as
cargo exporters, CNIH2 and CNIH3
are auxiliary subunits of AMPARs that have
a profound impact on the gating properties
of the receptor channels: Both CNIH2 and
CNIH3 stabilize the AMPAR channels in
the open or conducting state(s) by slowing
the deactivation (channel closing after ag-
onist removal) and desensitization (chan-
nel closing with agonist bound) processes
( 5 ). In excitatory synapses, such prolonged
opening enhances the influx of Na+ (and
Ca2+) into the postsynapse, which, through
increased and longer-lasting depolariza-
tion of the postsynaptic neuron, leads to
more reliable propagation of the electrical
signal. This was directly observed in hip-
pocampal neurons ( 7 ).
For all distinct cornichon functions, the
characterization of CNIH3-GluA2 com-
plexes by Nakagawa provides interesting
insights. The most intriguing and unpre-
dicted features of this cryo-EM structure
are the topology and overall folding of
CNIH3: The protein displays four TM do-
mains with amino and carboxyl termini
facing the ER lumen (which becomes the
extracellular side of the plasma mem-
brane). Most parts of the protein are bur-
ied in the membrane; only the linker be-
tween TM domains 3 and 4, and parts of
TM domains 1 and 2, extend into the cy-
toplasm. This unexpected topology may

be initiated by a 12–amino acid stretch
at the amino terminus of CNIH1–3 that is
highly conserved among mammals, flies,
and worms and operates as a signal pep-
tide that is not cleaved off [therefore called
“uncleavable membrane inserting peptide”
(UMIP) by the author]. The amino-termi-
nal half of the UMIP contains three con-
served phenylalanine residues that make
close contact with the TM domains of the
GluA subunits.
Projection of the primary sequence(s)
onto the CNIH3 structure highlights a 4.5-
turn a-helical extension at the cytoplasmic
side of TM2 as the major difference be-
tween the GluA-specific CNIH2 and CNIH3
and the cargo receptors CNIH1 and CNIH4.
This extension, together with the helical
domain of TM1 and the (structurally unre-
solved) linker, represents the hallmark fea-
ture that distinguishes the CNIHs from the
other inner core constituents of AMPARs,
the TARPs (transmembrane AMPAR regula-
tory proteins), and GSG1L (germ cell–spe-
cific gene 1–like protein) ( 10 , 11 ). TARPs and
GSG1L also modulate channel gating and
comprise four TM segments, but their “ex-
tensions” are directed toward the extracel-
lular side of the membrane where they can
contact the ligand-binding domains (LBDs)
of the GluA subunits during the conforma-

tional changes that drive channel
gating after agonist binding ( 11 ).
Because CNIH2 and CNIH3 lack
contacts with the LBDs, Nakagawa
suggests that structural rearrange-
ments induced by CNIH3 in the
“filter” region of the receptor chan-
nel likely explain the pronounced
effects on channel gating. The fil-
ter contains a particular site that
controls Ca2+ permeability and may
influence the open-state configura-
tion of the receptor channel ( 12 ).
Whether these rearrangements are
relevant for AMPAR gating remains
unclear, but they are strongly remi-
niscent of the “selectivity-filter gate”
that opens (and closes) various
types of K+ channels in response to
distinct ligands and pharmacologi-
cal agents ( 13 ).
The CNIH3-GluA2 complexes are
rarely (if at all) observed in the ro-
dent brain. Most CNIH-containing
AMPARs (a total of ~80% of all
AMPARs) have both CNIH and
TARP proteins co-assembled in a
2:2 stoichiometry, as estimated by
quantitative proteomics ( 14 ) and
confirmed by the cryo-EM analysis
of native AMPARs ( 15 ). Most of the
successfully resolved structures of
native AMPARs ( 15 ) have contained
two TARP subunits and two subunits with
four densities in the membrane plane; the
CNIH3-GluA2 structure from Nakagawa
suggests that these may be CNIH2 and/or
CNIH3 proteins.
The unexpected structure of CNIH3 and
its distinction from the TARPs will provide
a blueprint for coming analyses of its role in
gating and trafficking of AMPARs, but also
in studying the ER export processes medi-
ated by the CNIH family. Finally, it should
not be forgotten that predictions from data-
bases and algorithms are good, but rigorous
experimental data are better. j


  1. T. Nakagawa, Science 366 , 1259 (2019).

  2. S. Roth et al., Cell 81 , 967 (1995).

  3. C. Bökel et al., Development 133 , 459 (2006).

  4. Y. H e r z i g et al., PLOS Biol. 10 , e1001329 (2012).

  5. J. Schwenk et al., Science 323 , 1313 (2009).

  6. J. Schwenk et al., Neuron 104 , 680 (2019).

  7. S. Boudkkazi et al., Neuron 82 , 848 (2014).

  8. B. E. Herring et al., Neuron 77 , 1083 (2013).

  9. A. S. Kato et al., Neuron 68 , 1082 (2010).

  10. B. Herguedas et al., Science 364 , 353 (2019).

  11. E. C. Twomey et al., Nature 549 , 60 (2017).

  12. I. D. Coombs et al., Nat. Commun. 10 , 4312 (2019).

  13. M. Schewe et al., Science 363 , 875 (2019).

  14. J. Schwenk et al., Neuron 74 , 621 (2012).

  15. Y. Zhao et al., Science 364 , 355 (2019).

We thank members of the Fakler lab for discussions.

At the ER
specifcally bind to
AMPARs through
interactions with
the amino terminus
and the peptide
extensions of the
region of these CNIHs.

At the synapse
are auxiliary
subunits of AMPARs
that stabilize the
channels in the
open state and
thereby enhance
signal transduction.


or CNIH3

Coat protein complex II

or CNIH4


Endoplasmic reticulum




of cornichon
Cornichon homolog 2
(CNIH2) and CNIH3
control endoplasmic
reticulum (ER) export
and gating of AMPA-type
glutamate receptors
(AMPARs, comprising
GluA subunits). CNIH1 and
CNIH4 are nonspecific
cargo receptors.

6 DECEMBER 2019 • VOL 366 ISSUE 6470 1195
Published by AAAS

on December 12, 2019^

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