Science - 06.12.2019

(singke) #1 SCIENCE


ample, the values associated with a few pixels
may be changed in a way that is medically
insignificant. The AI/ML system must now
make a prediction from a feature vector that
is vanishingly different from the initial vec-
tor. A stable algorithm should give predic-
tions that are similarly “close” in the output
space (in probability) when it is given a slight
variation relative to another input [Dwork et
al. ( 10 ) describe this property and use it as
the basis for a definition of fairness in ML].
When this condition is not satisfied, the
algorithm is not stable in the sense that med-
ically similar patients can receive dissimilar
diagnoses. From the perspective of patient
safety, it is undesirable to have a diagnostic
system that frequently classifies medically
similar lesions very differently. Paying atten-
tion to this encourages thinking not in terms
of same inputs/same outputs, but in terms of
similar inputs/similar outputs.
In modern AI/ML, leading classification
systems are highly nonlinear. This makes
them especially vulnerable to such instabil-
ity [for example, ( 11 )]. This problem extends
beyond adversarial attacks ( 6 ). “System lock-
ing” of an algorithm, though it can guarantee
that the same inputs will lead to the same
outputs, does not secure against the bigger
concern—instability. Meanwhile, any prede-
termined change control plan does not get to
the core of the problem either, because it is
impossible to know in advance what kind of
instabilities the world actually has.

As regulators push forward, their emphasis
should be on developing a process to con-
tinuously monitor, identify, and manage as-
sociated risks due to AI/ML features such as
concept drift, covariate shift, and instability.
Such a process can include, for example, the
following elements, some of which might
even be automated with improvements in
AI/ML technology:

An AI/ML system may need to be regularly
retested (possibly continuously retested, with
dedicated infrastructure) on all past cases, or
a random subset of them, including but not
limited to the ones used for the initial mar-
keting authorization. Major discrepancies on
past verdicts may lead to regulatory action.

Simulated checks
An AI/ML system can be continuously ap-
plied to “simulated patients”—generated,
for example, by perturbing the data of past
patients, an idea often used to examine the
robustness of AI/ML models—to evaluate
whether its behavior is reliable with respect
to a sufficient diversity of patient types.

Adversarial stress tests
Every AI/ML system may need to be paired
with a monitoring mechanism to ensure ro-
bustness to adversarial examples ( 12 ). Regu-
lators could use the adversarial approach to
conduct algorithmic stress tests throughout
the AI/ML system’s lifecycle, borrowing
practices such as red teaming and adversar-
ial attack testing from cybersecurity.

An appropriate division of labor
Monitoring of AI/ML systems should, in
general, be done by actors different from the
ones developing these systems. Separation of
development and testing is common in other
contexts. For example, in software develop-
ment, quality assurance and development
teams are separate, while risk management
and compliance departments are separated
from traders in the financial sector. Such divi-
sions may be likewise required for companies
developing medical AI/ML systems. More-
over, third-party organizations that monitor
AI/ML systems based on standards the in-
dustry develops, similar in spirit to those of
professional organizations like the Institute
of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and
the International Organization for Standard-
ization, may also play a role in the future.

Use of innovative electronic systems
Regulators could also use new electronic
systems and data analysis techniques, such
as change-point detection (a family of sta-
tistical techniques that attempt to identify
changes in the distribution of a stochastic
process) or anomaly detection (a family of
techniques used to identify rare items in a
data set), to continuously monitor AI/ML
systems. Existing elements of regulators’
product oversight could be adapted for mon-
itoring AI/ML. For example, systems such as
the FDA’s national medical product monitor-
ing system Sentinel ( 13 , 14 ) could be used
to continuously monitor the behavior of ap-
proved AI/ML-based medical devices. Com-
bining information from electronic health
records and other data from such devices,
regulators could themselves perform some
of the tasks described. Indeed, in September
2019, the FDA announced an intention to ex-
pand Sentinel to three separate coordinating
centers monitoring more traditional medical
product safety ( 13 ). Its new “Operations Cen-
ter” seeks to use partnerships in epidemiol-
ogy, statistics, and data science among other
fields ( 13 ). Its new “Innovation Center” will
explore new roads “to extract and structure
information from electronic health records”
( 13 ). Both of these new centers could be used
to implement aspects of the AI/ML monitor-
ing proposed here..
Our suggestions refine the FDA’s aim
of implementing “real-world performance

monitoring” ( 1 , 2 ) by articulating some key
features that risk-monitoring should focus
on (i.e., concept drift, covariate shift, and
instability) and suggesting some ways to
implement it. In principle, our goal is to
emphasize the risks that can arise from un-
anticipated changes in how medical AI/ML
systems react or adapt to their environ-
ments. Subtle, often unrecognized paramet-
ric updates or new types of data can cause
large and costly mistakes. Hence, they need
to be continuously monitored and tested.
Although this discussion has been moti-
vated by the FDA’s current approach to
AI/ML-based SaMD and the U.S. experi-
ence, with appropriate adaptations, the les-
sons here apply to other countries and their
regulators as well. j


  1. U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), “Proposed
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  2. U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), “Developing
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  3. The learning healthcare project, “Background,
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  5. A. S. Fauci, M. A. Marovich, C. W. Dieffenbach, E. Hunter,
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  6. S. G. Finlayson et al., Science 363 , 1287 (2019).

  7. US Food and Drug Administration (FDA),
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  8. A. Esteva et al., Nature 542 , 115 (2017).

  9. S. Bickel, M. Bruckner, T. Scheffer, Discriminative
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  10. C. Dwork, M. Hardt, T. Pitassi, O. Reingold, R. Zemel,
    Fairness through awareness, Proceedings of the
    3rd Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science
    Conference (ITCS), Cambridge, MA, 2012.

  11. I. J. Goodfellow, J. Shlens, C. Szegedy, Explaining
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  13. U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), “FDA’s
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  14. Sentinel Coordinating Center, “Sentinel is a national
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S.G. and I.G.C. were supported by a grant from the
Collaborative Research Program for Biomedical Innovation
Law, a scientifically independent collaborative research
program supported by a Novo Nordisk Foundation grant
(NNF17SA0027784). All authors contributed equally to the
analysis and drafting of the paper. I.G.C. served as a bioethics
consultant for Otsuka on their Abilify MyCite product. The
authors declare no other competing interests.

1204 6 DECEMBER 2019 • VOL 366 ISSUE 6470

Published by AAAS

on December 12, 2019^

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