The Economist USA 03.21.2020

(avery) #1
The EconomistMarch 21st 2020 United States 25




disagreeontactics,butwesharea common
vision”.Standing alone in his Delaware
homebehinda podium(anecessarypiece
offurniturefora candidateworkingfrom
home), he praised first responders and

sounded more like a wartime president
than a candidate. His victory in the primary
is now all but assured. But what campaign-
ing and voting will look like during the
pandemic is anything but.
The most striking aspect of Mr Biden’s
victory was its breadth. Arizona, Florida
and Illinois collectively have 184 counties.
Bernie Sanders won three of them, none by
more than five points. He hoped that Lat-
inos would buoy him in Florida, but lost
the state by nearly 40 points. This may
partly have been because of the weight of
Cuban-Americans: Mr Sanders—in an act
either of admirable principle or political
lunacy—has repeatedly praised the accom-
plishments of the Castro regime. The pic-
ture was different in Arizona, which Mr
Sanders lost by just 12 points. A greater pro-
portion of Latinos there are Mexican, and
many are recent arrivals; these groups tend
to be more left-wing than Hispanics in
Florida. And Arizona has a bigger Hispanic
population than Florida: 30% of its resi-
dents are Latinos versus 23% in Florida.
Mr Sanders’s supporters, who have vi-
sions of turning Texas and Arizona Demo-
cratic, point to his strength with Latinos as
a reason he should lead the party. The re-
sults on March 17th show that such think-
ing is flawed. There are more competitive
electoral-college votes at stake in Florida,
where Mr Sanders is much less popular.
Such assertions also ignore general-elec-
tion polls, which show Mr Biden beating
Mr Trump in Arizona, but Mr Sanders los-
ing. Besides, Mr Biden’s delegate lead now
appears insurmountable. To win the nomi-
nation, Mr Sanders would need to win 64%
of the remaining delegates. He is polling
nationally at just 36%.
The Illinois primary, which Mr Biden
won by 23 points, was marked by low turn-





Primary prophylaxis

have internet access. Many live in places
only accessible with four-wheel drives.
Counting everybody in Deep East Texas
was never going to be easy. Now it looks
like it may be near impossible. “The coro-
navirus has certainly complicated mat-
ters,” says Mr Hunt. To help ensure an accu-
rate count, detcog had hired a dozen
census co-ordinators to go out to commu-
nity events—sports matches, church ser-
vices, school sports days—with informa-
tion to persuade people to send their
returns in, and internet hotspots and iPads
with which to do it on the spot. Most of
those events are now being cancelled. With
people staying indoors, they probably will
not encounter any of the workers meant to
explain to them the importance of the cen-
sus and get them to fill it in.
The virus may represent the biggest
threat to the United States census in its
230-year history. Mandated by the consti-
tution, it is the world’s most expensive and
among the world’s oldest consistent data-
gathering operations. The results deter-
mine how many congressional seats and
electoral-college votes are allocated to each
state, and where those districts are.
Roughly $1.5trn of federal money each year
is spent according to data derived at least in
part from census returns. It is not just the
government that uses it. Firms use it to de-
cide where to build supermarkets, target
advertising or open factories. “Every nook
and cranny of the private economy relies
on census data,” says Andrew Reamer of
George Washington University.
It is also a huge operation involving
hundreds of thousands of workers travel-
ling across the country knocking on doors.
In 2010 a quarter of Americans were count-
ed by workers in person. It is not only the
door-knocking, which begins on May 13th,
that may be threatened by the need for peo-
ple to self-isolate. The televised sports
events that advertising would have target-
ed, such as the March Madness college bas-
ketball games, are all being cancelled.
Even before the outbreak of the virus
this year’s census was raising concerns.
The census is meant to record every single
person in America on the day it is held. But
this year President Donald Trump’s govern-
ment wanted to add a question to the cen-
sus about citizenship. The question was
struck down by the Supreme Court. But
Nestor Lopez, an official from Hidalgo
County along the Texas-Mexico border,
says he worries many people, especially
undocumented immigrants, still fear in-
formation gathered could be used against
them. People “do not want to be answering
anything from the federal government,” he
says. In fact, personally identifiable data
from the census cannot be revealed for 72
years, even to other government agencies.
But most people do not know that. And
now they may never hear otherwise.

So far the Census Bureau has only made
modest changes. On March 18th the agency
announced that all field operations are to
be suspended until April 1st. On other sur-
veys officials will make phone calls instead
of visits. It has asked administrators of
“group quarters”—institutions like nurs-
ing homes, prisons and college dormito-
ries—to “choose a way to count their resi-
dents that requires less in-person contact”.
But more radical adjustments may be need-
ed. Terri Ann Lowenthal, a former director
of the House committee that oversees the
census, notes that the count takes ten years
to plan, and “yet now the Census Bureau is
being forced to make shifts basically on the
fly”. On March 17th Brazil announced it
would delay its census by a year. American
officials might have to consider that, too. 7
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