2018-09-01 Bio Spectrum

(singke) #1

“Training of doctors today

is a major issue worldwide”

Dr Ashish V.
Director, Tejnaksh

hospitals. Even Tejnaksh needs more capital to grow
in the next couple of years.

Tell us about Uroinnovation Foundation
established by you and how it has helped doctors
in doing innovations.
India has big talent in medical field and many
innovations have not reached the level of commercial
production. Uroinnovation Foundation has been
started to bring out ideas of leading doctors in the
country and taking them up to commercial production
and launching stage in the market. We have made
good progress on this front and many doctors have
joined this foundation and we are jointly working
with shared intellectual property rights with these
scientists and moving towards getting these ideas to
the commercial platform.

What steps have you taken to ensure provision
of affordable healthcare system in India?
Tejnaksh Healthcare is continuously creating innovative
technology with its research work. We are modifying
the administrative ways and also trying to increase the
clinical productivity using various strategic decisions.
Training of doctors today is a major issue worldwide
as ethical constraints restrict new doctor to train on
patients. Tejnaksh has struck the very roots of it and
has successfully commenced its patented simulation
program with indigenously manufactured patented
simulators. PCNL Simulator is an artificial body created
for the extraction of kidney stones from the body of
a patient. This is used for stone extraction practice
for budding urologists. Tejnaksh simulators allow
economical training of the young doctors. At present
5 PANG PERC System, Fluoroscopy Free Simulator,
Dilation Bench, Puncture logic bench, USG guided
Simulator, Fluoroscopy Guided Simulator, Portable
Fluoroscopy Simulator are being manufactured and
being used for training. Our instruments are developed
in India, and proving to be a small step towards
affordable healthcare in the country.
Tejnaksh continues to fathom newer avenues,
breakthrough newer achievements and is reaching
newer heights. Quality healthcare at an affordable cost,
strategy innovations, healthcare instrumentation and
innovations, simulation labs and related education
hubs is now what Tejnaksh is looking forward to in the
Prapti Shah
[email protected]


ince its inception in 2008, Dr Ashish Rawandale-
Patil, director, Tejnaksh Healthcare, has taken
the company from a small urology hospital to
a multicity, multispecialty, multifaceted healthcare
chain. Known for his tough business decisions and
the urge to challenge the status quo, he has multiple
credentials up his belt. BioSpectrum spoke to him about
the company’s plans to offer affordable healthcare
system to rural population. Edited excerpts;

Are there any further acquisitions planned?
We are aiming to add 70 to 100 beds per year and we
are actively looking for opportunities take over more

How much revenue is Tejnaksh Healthcare
making currently? How will these acquisitions
help in boosting the revenue of the organization?
Tejnaksh has recently declared its results, Revenues
for FY18 was at Rs 14.84 crore, registered a growth of
98.67 per cent, PAT was at Rs 3.22 crore, grown by
68.59 per cent. The recent acquisitions have helped
in increasing our presence and bed count in multiple
cities and also our brand presence. As we have
adopted lease model the profitability would be higher
as compared to acquiring hospitals on outright basis,
where in capex requirement is high and break even
time is long.

What are the challenges that you have faced in
taking the company from a small urology hospital
to a multicity, multispecialty, multifaceted
healthcare chain?
We have not experienced any major hurdles in our
growth path. However, the healthcare sector is capital
intensive with large investment in to buildings and
equipment. At the current interest rates achieving the
breakeven point for a hospital is takes longer. Hence
at present we have adopted the model of leasing

(^34) Q&A BIOSPECTRUM | SEPTEMBER 2018 | http://www.biospectrumindia.com

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